機場Call Van大抽獎
獎項 | 獎品 | 價值 |
頭獎 | 樂桃航空大阪經濟艙來回機票 | 港幣5,800元/份 |
二獎 | Rimowa Essential Lite Cabin S | 港幣5,650元/份 |
三獎 | Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 三合一暖風空氣清新機 HP10 | 港幣4,480元/份 |
四獎 | Sony WH-1000XM5 無線降噪耳機 | 港幣3,190元/份 |
五獎 | HoverAir X1超輕自拍飛行相機 | 港幣2,698元/份 |

加入Lalamove獎賞計劃 享受超正厚禮

請仔細閱讀本條款及細則,進入本平台、使用有關服務及/或兌現Lalamove優惠碼,即表示用戶確認並 已理解並同意受本條款、LALAMOVE用戶條款及細則、私隱條例及「機場Call Van大抽獎」(”活動”)使用條 款及細則;
符合訂單包括:任何用戶於活動期間每完成2張客貨車送貨訂單,訂單的取貨點或送貨點必須設定為 香港國際機場的客貨車(Van仔)即時派送,即可獲得抽獎機會1次,不限次數;
- 二獎:1份Rimowa Essential Lite Cabins (價值:港幣5,650元/份);
- 三獎:1份Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 三合一暖風空氣清新機 HP10 (價值:港幣4,480元/份);
- 四獎:1份Sony WH-1000XM5 無線降噪耳機 (價值:港幣3,190元/份);
- 五獎:1份HoverAir X1超輕自拍飛行相機 (價值:港幣2,698元/份) ;
此項條款適用於頭獎至五獎:所有獎品均不可轉讓或兌換現金,Lalamove不會向得獎者提供獎品之購買 單據及處理全何與獎品相關之保養維修事項;得獎者須同意遵守獎品供應商所列有關獎品上之各項條款及 細則。Lalamove對所有因領取或使用各獎品之後果概不負責;
- 頭獎至第五獎得獎者將在2025年2月13日或之後收到由Lalamove發出的短訊通知中獎,並通知領獎詳情 ;
參加者之Lalamove帳號必須登記具有語音及手提電話短訊(SMS)功能的香港手提電話號碼。如該手提 電話號碼沒有語音或SMS功能或於Lalamove在通知頭獎至第三獎得獎者中獎時,該登記電話號碼已停止 服務或無效,該用戶的得獎資格將被取消;
Lalamove有權以公共衛生情況為由,適時更改獎品領取方法。若獎品須以郵寄方式送出,得獎者須於接 收中獎SMS後,於指定時間內向Lalamove提供收件地址。Lalamove概不負責獎品派送之費用、獎品在運送 過程中損毁或寄失之風險。
- 因Lalamove帳號手機號碼不正確而導致Lalamove未能聯絡得獎者;
- 如Lalamove於活動完結後14個工作天內仍未能成功聯絡上得獎者;- 得獎者於接獲中獎SMS通知後,未能於指定時間內領獎或提供收件地址(如適用);及 - 得獎者提供之地址不正確(如適用)而令獎品不能送達。
任何詐騙和濫用行為將會導致用户參與活動的資格被剝奪。Lalamove將保留取消有關用户參加此活動 的資格而無須另行通知之權利;
- 如有任何爭議,Lalamove保留一切最終決定權;
Year of the Snake Van Delivery Lucky Draw
Terms and Conditions
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 59562
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By entering this platform, using the related services, and/or redeeming Lalamove promotional codes, users confirm that they understand and agree to be bound by these terms, the LALAMOVE user terms and conditions, the privacy policy, and the terms and conditions of the "Year of the Snake Van Delivery Lucky Draw" (the "Event");
Users will receive a chance to enter a lottery for every two airport orders completed between 00:00 on January 6, 2025 to 23:59 on February 2, 2025 (the event period).
Eligible orders include: Any user who completes two delivery orders for vans during the event period, where the pick-up or drop-off point is set to the Hong Kong International Airport's van (即時派送), will receive one lottery chance. There is no limit to the number of entries.
Users will be automatically entered into the lucky draw list after completing the specified orders.
Eligible users can earn unlimited chances to enter the lucky draw during the event period and have the opportunity to win the following prizes:
Grand Prize: One Peach Airlines Round Trip Flight Ticket to Osaka (Economy Class) (value: HKD 5,000 each);
Second Prize: One Rimowa Essential Lite Cabin S (value: HKD 5,650 each);
Third Prize: One Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 3-in-1 heater and air purifier HP10(value: HKD 4,480 each);
Fourth Prize: One Sony WH-1000XM5 wireless noise-canceling headphones (value: HKD 3,190 each);
Fifth Prize: One HoverAir X1 ultra-light selfie drone (value: HKD 2,698 each);
The following terms apply to all prizes from the Grand Prize to the Fifth Prize: All prizes are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. Lalamove will not provide purchase receipts for the prizes and will not handle any maintenance or repair matters related to the prizes. Winners must agree to comply with the terms and conditions set by the prize suppliers. Lalamove is not responsible for any consequences arising from the receipt or use of the prizes.
Details regarding the results of the lucky draw event will be announced on February 12, 2025, in both Sing Tao Daily and The Standard.
Winners of the Grand Prize to the Fifth Prize will receive a text message notification from Lalamove regarding their win and prize collection details by February 13, 2025, or after February 13, 2025.
Participants’ Lalamove accounts must be registered with a Hong Kong mobile phone number that has voice and SMS functionality. If the registered mobile number lacks voice or SMS functionality, or if the number becomes inactive at the time Lalamove attempts to notify the winners, the user's qualification for the prize will be forfeited.
Lalamove reserves the right to change the prize collection method in response to public health situations. If prizes need to be mailed, winners must provide a delivery address to Lalamove within the specified timeframe after receiving the winning SMS. Lalamove is not responsible for delivery costs or risks of damage or loss during shipping.
Users who win under the following circumstances will be considered to have forfeited their prize: Lalamove is unable to contact the winner due to an incorrect mobile number; Lalamove fails to successfully contact the winner within 14 working days after the event ends;
Winners fail to collect their prize or provide a delivery address within the specified timeframe after receiving the winning SMS (if applicable);
The address provided by the winner is incorrect, preventing prize delivery (if applicable). Any fraudulent or abusive behavior will result in the disqualification of the user from participating in the event. Lalamove reserves the right to revoke the user’s participation in this event without prior notice. In the event of any disputes, Lalamove reserves the final decision.
These terms and conditions are subject to relevant requirements of current regulations.
These terms and conditions are governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.