Happy New Year from Lalamove Rewards

🎀祝萬事如意迎新年,玉兔迎春旺全年 🎀
2023年, Lalamove獎賞計劃會繼續回饋大家: 一連串會員獨家獎賞 & 新年限定優惠上咗架啦!

May your year be filled with an abundance of smiles and laughter✨ 
Here's a wide range of member exclusive and Happy New Year offers for you!





永泰行 尊尚鮑魚盆菜
WingTaiHong Poon Choi

 9/1 - 17/1期間下單並輸入優惠碼 LALAWT  即減$100
Enter promo code LALAWT to enjoy $100 discount during 9Jan to 17Jan
鮮物 盆菜套餐 Seamart Poon Choi

9/1 - 31/1期間下單並輸入優惠碼 LALAFRD 
- 即送蠔皇鮑魚及鮑汁花菇各6隻
- 買滿$900再減$100

Enter promo code LALAFRD during 9Jan to 31Jan to get: 
- Free 6 pieces of Oyster Sauce Abalone & Abalone Sauce Mushroom
- $100 discounts when placing $900 order

翠華至尊到會 至尊盆菜 Supreme Poon Choi

9/1 - 28/2期間於Whatsapp或電郵下單並輸入優惠碼 SCPC01-02/2023 即享95折 
Enter promo code 
SCPC-01-02/2023 via Whatsapp or e-mail to enjoy 5% off during 9Jan to 28Feb

立即訂購 Order Now 立即訂購 Order Now 立即訂購 Order Now





進入Lalamove app,點擊 ‘獎賞’ 頁面
Click 'Rewards' in Lalamove app
Read & accept the terms and conditions of Lalamove Rewards
You're now a member!
進入Lalamove app,點擊 ‘獎賞’ 頁面
Click 'Rewards' in Lalamove app
Read & accept the terms and conditions of Lalamove Rewards
You're now a member!

《Lalamove獎賞計劃 -  兔年行大運》條款及細則

1. 如果你參加本活動,即代表你已確認並同意本活動條款及細則。
2. 雙倍積分
詳情:優惠期間落單可賺取2倍積分,每HK$1之金額消費可獲2 Lala積分。
3. 是次活動所送出的Lala積分將於1-2個工作天內自動新增到合資格Lalamove獎賞計劃會員的帳號內。
4. 優惠(電子券及折扣優惠)不可轉讓或兌換現金。 Lalamove保留權力,在不另行通知的情況下,提供其他優惠代替。如未能兌換優惠,Lalamove一概不會做出任何賠償或退款,以及一概不承擔任何責任。
5. 優惠名額有限,換完即止。
6. 優惠另受其他Lalamove條款及細則約束。
7. Lalamove並不是優惠(除Lalamove現金券)的生產商或供應商,因此Lalamove一概不會就優惠使用的任何事宜或所引起的爭議承擔任何責任。請直接聯繫有關生產商或供應商有關任何優惠的爭議及/或事宜。優惠亦受有關生產商或供應商之附加條款及細則約束。
8. Lalamove保留修改及終止本活動(包括但不限於推廣期間)及修改本活動的條款及細則之權利,而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,Lalamove擁有最終決定權。
9. 中英文版本之內容如有任何歧義,在任何情況下概以英文版本為準。

《Lalamove Rewards -Happy Ne Year Message》 Terms and Conditions

1. By participating in this Campaign, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these Campaign terms and conditions.
2. Double Points Campaign's Details: Users can enjoy double points during the campaign period.
3.  The LalaPoints will be automatically added into the accounts of all eligible Lalamove Rewards members in 1-2 working days.
4. The Offer and Rewards (Discount offer and e-Vouchers) are non-transferable or non-exchangeable for cash. Lalamove reserves the right to offer an alternative offer as replacement without prior announcement. Member shall not be entitled to any compensation, refund or alternative due to a failure to redeem or claim a Campaign Offer.
5. Offer quota is limited while stock lasts.
6. Other Lalamove terms and conditions applies.
7. Lalamove is not the supplier of the rewards and offers (except Lalamove coupons). Lalamove shall have no liability or responsibility relating to any aspect of or disputes arising from the use of the rewards and offers (including but not limited to the warranty, if applicable) provided by the suppliers. Member acknowledge that he/she shall direct all disputes and/or enquiries relating to the rewards and offers to the relevant suppliers. Those may be subject to additional terms and conditions of the respective suppliers.
8. Lalamove reserves the right to vary, modify and terminate the above Campaign (including but not limited to the Campaign Period and the rewards and offers) and to amend any of these Campaign terms and conditions at any time without any notice. In case of disputes in relation to the Campaign, Lalamove’s decision shall be final and binding.
9. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

