Pick Up Rental
Surabaya Area
Send goods to Surabaya and surrounding areas with Lalamove's pick-up fleet. Easy booking and affordable rates.
Surabaya Pick Up Rental Services for Various Individual and Business Needs
Surabaya is one of the fastest growing industrial cities in Indonesia. No wonder there are many companies that expand their business in Surabaya. Moreover, there are currently many warehousing and logistics centers in Surabaya, namely Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER), SAFE'n'LOCK, Sidoarjo Rangkah Industrial Estate (SiRIE), Bumi Maspion Romokalisari Warehousing, and many warehouses located in Surabaya City and its surroundings.
For the logistics process, whether shipping goods out of town or to Tanjung Perak Port, businesses certainly need a fleet. No wonder there are many pick-up rental providers in the Surabaya area, such as in Rungkut, Sidoarjo, and Gresik.
Lalamove has a goods delivery service with a pick up fleet that you can order according to your needs. In the Surabaya city area itself, two pick up models are available, namely pick up tub & pick up box with different loads with strategic coverage areas.

Lalamove Pick Up in Surabaya is also coverage:
Lalamove pick-ups are spread out and can reach all areas in Surabaya. Not only that, some areas that focus on business and industry below, are also included in the areas reached by Lalamove pick ups and are the most crowded areas using the Lalamove pick up fleet.
Warehousing Name | District |
Kawasan Industri Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) | Manyar |
Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang | Rembang |
Maspion Industrial Estate | Manyar |
Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) | Gunung Anyar |
SAFE'n'LOCK | Sidoarjo |
Kawasan Industri Tuban | Jenu |
Ngoro Industrial Park | Ngoro |
Sidoarjo Rangkah Industrial Estate (SiRIE) | Sidoarjo |
Kawasan Industri Gresik (KIG) | Gresik |
Gedangan Industrial Park | Taman |
Pergudangan Bumi Maspion Romokalisari | Benowo |
Sentral Romokalisari | Kebomas |
Pergudangan Mutiara Margomulyo Permai | Tandes |
Pergudangan Pakal Indah | Pakal |
Pergudangan Tambak Langon 27 | Asemrowo |
Pergudangan "Best Jaya" | Tandes |
Pergudangan Manukan Wetan 60 | Tandes |
Pergudangan Osowilangun indah | Benowo |
Pergudangan Permata Tanjung Sari | Sukomanunggal |
Pergudangan Kalianak Raya. PT | Asemrowo |
Business Articles About Surabaya City
Business Articles About Surabaya City
King LED Gunakan Lalamove sebagai Jasa Kirim Lampu LED
King LED Gunakan Lalamove sebagai Jasa Kirim Lampu LED
King LED merasakan kemudahan menggunakan Lalamove sebagai jasa kirim lampu LED mereka. Yuk kita simak bagaimana kesan King LED terhadap layanan Lalamove!
Ratu Karpet Ungkap Rahasia Sukses Sewa Karpet Surabaya Bersama Lalamove
Ratu Karpet Ungkap Rahasia Sukses Sewa Karpet Surabaya Bersama Lalamove

Kenapa Jasa Ekspedisi Penting untuk Bisnis? Ini Alasannya
Sekarang ini memulai bisnis online sangat mudah dengan banyaknya pilihan platform. Dengan terus berkembangnya industri bisnis online, salah satu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan pebisnis agar usaha bisa maju adalah pengiriman.

Lalamove Antarkan Kue Cookies Unik dari Bellycious.sub Langsung ke Pintumu
Lalamove Antarkan Kue Cookies Unik dari Bellycious.sub Langsung ke Pintumu
Lalamove's Pick Up Rent Also Available in:
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, Lalamove pick up rent are available in the city:
However, you can send goods from Surabaya to Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Malang, Yogyakarta, and Semarang.
Check shipping rates with Lalamove pick up by opening the app. Find more detailed rate information here.
Lalamove operates 24/7 so you can make deliveries whenever you need to. Lalamove specializes in on-demand delivery, matching users with nearby drivers in just seconds. Use our delivery app to handle all express and urgent deliveries, any time of the day with a pick up fleet.
If you need to send an item to someone else, you can send tracking information to the recipient so they know when to expect the item to arrive.