Rent a Truck Surabaya for Your Needs

Surabaya is one of the trade and service cities in Indonesia whose growth continues to be boosted. This condition is supported by infrastructure development to support the surrounding areas, such as Sidoarjo, Madura and Gresik. 

In fact, many industries have expanded to Surabaya after seeing the huge market potential in this city. To support business needs, Lalamove is here to provide truck delivery services. 

Rent crank trucks, crank boxes, CDD trucks, CDD boxes, and Fuso trucks in Surabaya and surrounding areas with Lalamove. We are available in Surabaya, Malang, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Pasuruan, Jombang, Lawang, Batu, Kepanjen, and Singosari. 

Lalamove's crank, CDD, and Fuso truck rental rates are calculated on a one-way basis, according to the coverage area and needs.

sewa truk surabaya

Lalamove's fleet of trucks in Surabaya is also affordable:

Sending large loads of goods is easier with Lalamove. Lalamove is currently spread out and reaches all areas of Surabaya, which can be relied on for shipments within the city and outside the city. Here are the most crowded areas using Lalamove's truck fleet.

Warehouses Name District
Kawasan Industri Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) Manyar
Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang Rembang
Maspion Industrial Estate Manyar
Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) Gunung Anyar
SAFE'n'LOCK Sidoarjo
Kawasan Industri Tuban Jenu
Ngoro Industrial Park Ngoro
Sidoarjo Rangkah Industrial Estate (SiRIE) Sidoarjo
Kawasan Industri Gresik (KIG) Gresik
Gedangan Industrial Park Taman
Pergudangan Bumi Maspion Romokalisari Benowo
Sentral Romokalisari Kebomas
Pergudangan Mutiara Margomulyo Permai Tandes
Pergudangan Pakal Indah Pakal
Pergudangan Tambak Langon 27 Asemrowo
Pergudangan "Best Jaya" Tandes
Pergudangan Manukan Wetan 60 Tandes
Pergudangan Osowilangun indah Benowo
Pergudangan Permata Tanjung Sari Sukomanunggal
Pergudangan Kalianak Raya. PT Asemrowo






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Lalamove's Truck Rent Also Available in:

Frequently Asked Questions

img_FAQ (1)
Which cities are popular with Lalamove's truck rent?

Currently, Lalamove truck rent are available in the city:

Where are the truck delivery areas in Surabaya with Lalamove?

Lalamove's truck booking area in Surabaya covers Surabaya City, Sidoarjo Regency, Gresik Regency, Rungkut, Mojokerto, Ngoro, Pasuran, Lamongan, and Probolinggo.

How much is Lalamove's moving delivery rate?

Moving rates are based on several factors, such as the type of fleet, distance or delivery location, additional services used, booking volume, availability of delivery partners, traffic situation, and more.

Check the rates for moving your office, house, boarding house, or apartment with Lalamove in more detail here.

When will the goods be delivered?

Lalamove operates 24/7 so you can make deliveries whenever you need to. Lalamove specializes in on-demand delivery, matching users with the nearest driver in just seconds. Use our delivery app to handle all express and urgent deliveries, any time of the day with a diverse fleet.

Can I track my order?

Lalamove allows you to track every order placed. Check the location of your drivers in real time and get notified instantly when the delivery has been completed.  

If you need to send an item to someone else, you can send tracking information to the recipient so they know when to expect the item to arrive.

Ready to Order?

Download the Lalamove app to ease the delivery process in the Surabaya area with a selection of Lalamove trucks.