このお荷物の補償規約 (規約) で言及される「荷物」は、Lalamoveの規約で定義されている「注文」と同じ意味を持ちます。 本規約に従うことを条件として、本Lalamove は、Lalamoveにより選択された法人アカウントユーザーに対し、Lalamoveの配達パートナーによる日本国内の荷物配達の提供中に生じた荷物の紛失または損傷に対する補償を支払います。本規約は、配送パートナーが商品を集荷した時点から、ユーザーが指定した住所に商品が配送されるまで有効となります。
- 金銀地金
- 現物有価証券およびその他の現金同等物
- 輸送されることが管轄区域の法律、規制、または法令によって禁止、または除外されている品物
- 生きた動物
- 人間を拘束するために特別に設計された、および/または人間の拷問などに使用される爆弾、武器、弾薬、ミサイル、銃および道具などの軍事用品
- 貨物として輸送されるヨット、航空機、ヘリコプター、自動車
- Lalamoveの利用規約で禁止または除外されている品物
- 国際海上危険物規定に触れるなどの危険性の高い商品
- 中古品および日常使用品
- 壊れやすいもの - 水槽、ガラス製品、磁器、楽器など
- 貴宝飾品、貴金属、貴石
- 美術品、彫刻、収集品など
- 高級ハンドバッグ、スカーフ、毛皮、時計など
- 紛失/盗難/破壊された品物の場合: 実際の請求額または代替品との交換費用(関連する事故が発生した日の価値に基づいてLalamoveが独自の裁量で決定します)。 または
- 破損品の場合: 実際の請求額または修理費 (関連する事故が発生した日の価格に基づいて、Lalamoveが独自の裁量で決定します)。 または
- 最大補償額は各注文ごとに¥77,500JPYです。
- 伝染病、または伝染病の恐怖または脅威に起因するもの
- 梱包の不備、または発送の準備の不備
- 出荷時の欠陥
- 詐欺、不正、または意図的な行為
- 遅延または誤った住所への配送
- 積荷の合法的な差し押さえ
- コンピュータ、コンピュータシステム、コンピュータソフトウェアプログラム、コンピュータ プロセス、またはその他の電子システムの使用または操作
- 機械的、電気的、電子的な故障
- 通常の漏れ、重量または体積の減少、または出荷時の自然な損耗
- 放射性汚染、生物化学兵器、生化学兵器、電磁兵器
- 錆び、酸化、変色
- 戦争とテロに類ずる場合
すべての請求は、事件が発生してから 7 営業日以内に所定の請求フォームを通じて提出されるものとします。提出後、最大30営業日以内に、受理または拒否、もしくは追加情報の提出が必要かについて決定が行われます。以下の書類(入手可能な場合)を準備し、請求フォームと一緒に提出してください。:
- 破損した荷物の写真または証拠
- 破損した荷物の価値を示す購入証明書または領収書
- 修理/交換の費用を示すことができる修理または交換の請求書
Goods Protection Promises
“Goods” referred to in this Goods Protection Promises (“Promises”) has the same meaning as the “Shipments” as defined in the Lalamove’s Terms. Subject to the terms hereunder, Lalamove will pay a compensation to Lalamove’s selected Corporate Account Users for their loss, or damage of their shipment, which are caused by Lalamove’s Delivery Partners during their provision of Shipment Delivery in Japan. The Promises is in effect from the time Delivery Partners pick up the goods till the goods are delivered at the address specified by the User.
The following goods are not covered in the Promises:
- Bullion
- Cash securities and other cash equivalents
- Goods which are banned, prohibited or otherwise excluded by any law, regulation or statute of any jurisdiction from which the Property is collected, delivered, or through which the Goods is transported
- Live animals
- Military goods such as bombs, weapons, ammunition, missiles, guns and gadgets specially designed for restraining human and/or used for torture of human beings and the like
- Yachts, aircrafts, helicopters and automobiles shipped as cargo
- Properties that are prohibited or excluded under the Terms and Conditions of Lalamove
- Goods of a higher hazard nature such as IMDG Cargo
- Second-hand goods and personal effects
- Fragile items – aquarium, glassware, porcelain, musical instruments, etc
- Precious jewellery, precious metals and precious stones
- Fine arts, sculptures, collectibles and the like
- Luxury handbags, scarfs, fur, watches and the like
The compensation amount shall be the lower of:
- for Lost / Stolen / Destroyed Goods: Actual Invoice Value or Replacement Cost (as determined by Lalamove in its sole discretion based on the value at the date on which the relevant accident occurred); or
- for Damaged Goods: Actual Invoice Value or Cost of Repair (as determined by Lalamove in its sole discretion based on the value at the date on which the relevant accident occurred); or
- the maximum compensation is ¥77,500 per order.
The loss, theft, damage or destruction arising out of or in any way connected with the following are excluded from the Promises:
- communicable disease or fear or threat of communicable disease
- insufficiency or, unsuitability of packaging or, preparation of the shipment
- inherent vice or faulty workmanship of the shipment
- fraud, dishonesty or intentional conduct
- delay or incorrect address
- lawful seizure of the shipment
- the use or operation of any computer, computer system, computer software programme, computer process or any other electronic system
- mechanical, electrical and electronic failure
- ordinary leakage, loss in weight or volume, or natural wear and tear of the shipment
- radioactive contamination, chemical biological, bio-chemical and electromagnetic weapons
- rust, oxidisation and or discolouration
- war and terrorism
Claims Procedure
All claims shall be submitted through the prescribed claim form within 7 (seven) working days after the incident. Your claim will be accepted, rejected, or you will be asked to provide additional information within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) working days after the claim is submitted. Please prepare and submit the following documents (if available) together with the claim form:
- Pictures or proofs of the damaged shipments
- Purchase invoice that can show the value of the damaged shipments
- Repair or replacement invoice that can show the cost of repairment/replacement
You acknowledge and agree that any amount paid by Lalamove to you under this Promises shall not be construed to be an admission of any liability or obligation by Lalamove to you or to any other person, and that the Lalamove makes no such admission. Notwithstanding to the aforesaid, upon the compensation made to you by Lalamove under this Promises, you agree to release, waive and forever discharge Lalamove from the claims that are the subject matters of the compensation.
This Promises is not an insurance product or service. Lalamove does not provide any insurance product or service. Lalamove may revise or modify the above terms from time to time at its absolute discretion, or change, suspend or terminate the Promises without prior notice or incurring any liability. For any dispute arising from the Promises, Lalamove’s decision shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned. In case of any discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions of the above information, the English version shall prevail.