


本利用規約(以下「本利用規約」といいます。)は、日本において設立され、その登記上の事務所を東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目2番6号東京倶楽部ビルディング11階に有する会社であるLalamove Japan 株式会社(以下「Lalamove」といいます。)が利用可能にするサービスを受けることを目的とする、当社のモバイルアプリケーション、ウェブサイト、アプリケーション(共に以下「本アプリケーション」といいます。)を経由した、情報サービスプラットフォーム(以下「本プラットフォーム」といいます。)への貴殿によるアクセス又は利用を規定しています。





  • 本利用規約を読み、理解したこと。

  • 本利用規約を遵守すること。

  • コミュニティガイドラインを遵守すること。及び

  • 少なくとも、居住地における成人年齢に達していること、及び別途、適法に契約を締結する能力があること。









Lalamove は、本利用規約を随時変更する権利を留保します。当社は、変更する場合、本利用規約の上部の日付を改訂することにより貴殿に知らせ、(当社のホームページにその旨追加する又は電子メールにより通知を貴殿にお送りする等により)追加で通知をする場合もあります。本利用規約を定期的に確認され、当社の事業について継続して情報を入手いただくことをお勧めいたします。当社が本利用規約の変更をする場合、貴殿に別途通知する場合を除き、改訂された本利用規約が掲載される時には、それらは有効です。改訂された本利用規約の掲載後、貴殿は、本プラットフォームを継続して利用される場合、本利用規約の当該変更を承諾したものとみなされます。


1. 当社のサービス

Lalamoveが提供するサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)とは、本ユーザーと、本アプリケーションに表示される業務に関する特定の条件に基づき、運送、物流及び/又は配送サービスを提供する独立の第三者である配送パートナー(以下「配達パートナー」といいます。)を結びつけることをいいます。配達パートナーが提供する配送及び/物流サービスは、 Lalamoveが提供する本プラットフォームの利用を通じて利用/要求することができます。



2. ソフトウェアの利用



  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアのコピーを貴殿のモバイル端末に貴殿が利用するためにインストールすることを許されています。

  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアのコピー又は本ソフトウェアの利用に関するライセンスを、いかなる第三者に対しても、貸す、賃貸する、サブライセンスする、配布する、または移転することを許されません。

  • 貴殿は、本プラットフォーム又は本プラットフォームに接続するネットワークの脆弱性を調査、精査又はテストしてはならず、本プラットフォーム又は本プラットフォームに接続するネットワークのセキュリティ又は認証手段に違反してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアを変更、適合、リバースエンジニアリング、デコンパイル、逆アセンブル、トランスレーションしてはならず、また、本ソフトウェアに基づく二次的著作物を作成してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアの通常のオペレーションを妨害してはならず、また、本ソフトウェアのソースコードをエクスポート又は改変するメソッドを使用してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、あらゆる種類のコンピュータウィルス、ワーム、トロイの木馬又は悪性コードをアップロード又は送信してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、Lalamoveが承認したウェブオペレーションシステムを動作させるモバイル端末以外のデバイスに、本ソフトウェアをインストール及び/又実行してはなりません。及び

  • 本規約において付与される本ソフトウェアを使用するライセンスを除き、他のライセンス又は権利は本規約により貴殿に付与されず、本ソフトウェアの所有権及びその他の全ての権利は、Lalamove及びそのサプライヤーにより明示に留保されます。

3. 本サービスの利用





貴殿が入力し維持する詳細は、正確、完全かつ有効であることに貴殿は、同意します。 Lalamoveは、貴殿が提供する虚偽の、不完全な、古い又は不正確な登録情報について責任を負いません。貴殿は、正確、完全かつ有効な情報を入力又は維持しない場合、結果として本サービスにアクセスし本サービスを利用することが出来なくなる可能性があります。貴殿は、貴殿の本アカウントに基づき発生する全ての行動に単独で責任を負います。Lalamoveは、貴殿が提供した情報を常に確認し、理由及び事前の通知を提供せずに、本サービスの使用を拒否する権利があります。

貴殿は、本サービス及び本アプリケーションにアクセスしこれを利用するのに必要な互換性のあるハードウェア又はデバイスの取得及びアップデートに責任を負います。Lalamoveは、本サービス又はその一部が特定のハードウェア又はデバイス上で機能することを保証いたしません。Lalamoveは、貴殿が互換性のない又は未認証のデバイスにより本サービスを利用する場合、または貴殿のアカウントのセキュリティが当社が発見する方法又は理由で 危殆化する場合、本サービスの利用を終了させる権利を留保します。



  • 貴殿は、Lalamoveが明示的に許可した手段を使用することによってのみ本サービスにアクセスします。

  • 提供される本プラットフォーム及び本サービスは、貴殿自身が使用するために貴殿によってのみ使用され、第三者に再販売されません。

  • 貴殿の本アカウントを使用する権限を他人に付与しません。

  • 貴殿は、一つの本アカウントを開設することのみ許されています。

  • 貴殿の本アカウントを他の人又は法人に譲渡することは許されていません。

  • ご自身以外の人の権利の対象となっているアカウントを適切な権限なく使用することはできません。

  • Lalamoveは、販売促進の提供に本ユーザーを含める/除外する権利を有します。

  • 本サービスを、以下を含みますがこれらに限定されない違法目的で使用することはできません。(i)適用される法令違反、(ii)違法物品の貯蔵又は配送、 (iii)他者の機密性の高い個人情報を本人の承諾なく共有すること、(iv)故意に危害、迷惑、不都合若しくは不快感を与えること、 (v) 本サービスの適切なオペレーションを妨害する又はこれに危害を加えること、 (vi)他人に成りすます文言を示すこと、又は(vii) Lalamoveの許可なく本サービスをコピー又は頒布すること。

  • 貴殿のパスワード又はLalamoveが提供するクレデンシャルIDは安全かつ秘密としなければなりません。

  • Lalamoveが要求する場合、身分証明書又はその他の文書を直ちに提出する必要があります。

  • 本サービスを利用する間、全ての適用される法令の遵守が不可欠です。

  • 貴殿は、「ディープリンク」「ページ-スクレイパー」、「ロボット」、「スパイダー」又はその他の自動デバイス、プログラム、アルゴリズム若しくは方法論、又は類似若しくは同等の手動の処理過程を、本プラットフォーム若しくはコンテンツの一部にアクセス、収集、コピー、モニターするために、又は本プラットフォーム若しくはコンテンツのナビゲーション構造若しくはプレゼンテーションを再現する若しくは回避する方法で、本プラットフォームを通じて意図的に利用可能となっていない方法により資料、文書若しくは情報を取得する若しくは取得を試みるために、使用してはなりません。Lalamoveは、当該行為を禁止する権利を留保します。

  • 貴殿は、システムの完全性又はセキュリティを侵害又は危殆化する試みをしてはならず、本プラットフォームを動作するサービスへの又はサービスからの発信を解読する試みをしてはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、アカウント名を含む個人を特定できる情報を本プラットフォームから受領又は収集してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、脅迫、ハラスメント、差別的行為(人種、性別、年齢、身体障害若しくは他の保護を受けるグループに基づくもの)又はLalamoveが本サービスを利用する際に不適切であるとみなすその他の行為に従事してはなりません。及び

  • 貴殿は、貴殿の情報及び/又は許可された情報を、Lalamoveのプライバシーポリシーに従い、使用しこれを第三者と共有する権利をLalamoveに付与することに同意します。


  • 本ユーザーは、要求した配送品を構成する品物及び物品の所有者又は当該所有者の権限を有する代理人であること、並びに当該配送が本ユーザーの指示に従い行われるよう注文する権限を有することを保証します。

  • 本ユーザーは、当該本ユーザーのためだけではなく、(該当する場合)配送品を構成する品物及び物品の所有者のためにかつその代わりに代理人として、本利用規約に承諾したことを保証します。

  • 本ユーザーは、初期設定の引渡方法は対面での引渡であるものの、配達パートナーか本ユーザーの指示に従い、当該配送品を本ユーザーの指定する場所に配達することもできることを理解しています。本ユーザーは、配達パートナーもLalamoveも本ユーザーが本サービスを通じて配送するよう要求した配送品の権原を有さないこと、またはその所有権を取得しないことに同意します。

  • 本ユーザーは、配達パートナー及び車両の情報を確認し、配送前に、本ユーザー自身の裁量で、当該配達パートナーのサービスを承諾するか否かを決定します。本ユーザーは、配達パートナーにより提供される配送に関連する全ての情報(配達パートナー及び車両の情報を含みますがこれらに限定されません)を承諾したものとみなされます。当該情報が本ユーザーの注文情報と同じである否かは関係ありません。配送後、本ユーザーは、当該配送の情報と注文した情報の齟齬について、Lalamoveの責任を問いません。

  • 本ユーザーは、配達パートナーに十分な、正確かつ履行可能な指示又は注文を与えます。本ユーザーが提供した情報と実際の状況又は関連事実の相違から生じる超過費用は、本ユーザーが負担するものとします。本ユーザーの指示又は注文の修正又は変更(及び当該修正又は変更により生じる価格若しくは費用の変更)は、Lalamoveによる別段の許可がある場合を除き、本アプリケーションにおいて承認及び更新されなければなりません。

  • 本ユーザーは、配送品を構成する品物及び物品の性質、状態、梱包、取扱い、保管及び運送に関連する全ての法令及び規則を遵守したことを保証します。本ユーザーは、法令により禁止されている物品、現金及び郵便法に基づく信書、可燃性の、爆発する、危険な、有害な物質、腐敗するもの、放射性物質、及び貴金属及び芸術作品を含む貴重品を発送してはなりません(配達パートナーは、これらの配送を拒否する権利があります)。本ユーザーは、本ユーザーによる本利用規約違反の結果第三者が被る損失又は損害(物的損害、収入の減少、人身傷害、金銭的損害若しくは損失、又はその他の損失若しくは損害を含みます)に責任を負います。

  • 本ユーザーは、配送されるアルコール及び/又はたばこ製品は、適法な方法により取得されたものであることを確保します。

  • 配達パートナーは、本ユーザーとの事前の合意なく、配送品を開封して検査をせず、また、追加の品物の配送に責任を負いません。本ユーザーは、当該損失又は損害が本ユーザーの故意又は過失に起因して生じる場合を除き、配達パートナーが配送に起因する配送品の損失又は損害に対して責任を負担することに合意します。

  • 本ユーザーは、配送中の損害から保護するために配送品が適切に梱包されていることを確保し、また、配送品のいずれの部分も、覆いが外されている、破れた又は破損した包装又は容器に入っている、封が破られている、又は粘着性のある2つの面が無理やり引き離されていることのないよう確保します。

  • 本ユーザーは、配送品が、配送中の配送品への損害を保護するために適切に梱包されることを確保し、特に、壊れやすい性質、又は折曲げることで損害が発生しやすい配送品の場合、配送品が折れ曲がるのを防ぐために、当該配送品が十分な耐性及び強度のあるケース又は容器で梱包され、当該ケース又は容器の内部で十分で適切な保護材で包まれているか又は囲まれていることを確保し、配送物が配送中に通常被る力、圧力又は衝撃に起因して生じうる損害から保護されていることを確保し、壊れやすい当該配送品は、壊れやすいものが含まれていることを示す具体的な言葉をケース又は容器の表面及び名宛人の住所の上に表示することを確保します。

  • Lalamove は、腐敗する商品、又は暑さ若しくは寒さから保護する必要のある商品を保護する配送サービスを提供することに責任を負いません。冷凍食品の配送の注文は受けれられません。追加の保護を要するサービス(該当する場合)は、配達パートナーが、単独で直接提供します。当該商品は、配送に起因する損害に対しては本ユーザーのみがリスクを負担するものとして、配送が承諾されます。

  • 本ユーザーは、各配送品について、全ての必要な情報を提供します。荷受人が本ユーザーの特定する住所に不在で、当該配送品を受け取るために他の者がおらず、郵便受け及び/又は宅配ボックスが利用できず、他の指示が本ユーザーから与えられていない場合、配達パートナーは、本ユーザーに(本ユーザーが付与した番号に)連絡をし、追加の指示を得るよう試みます。配達パートナーは、本ユーザーが付与した番号で本ユーザーと連絡が取れない場合、当該配送品を荷送人又はLalamoveが指定する場所に戻します。当該配送物がLalamoveが指定する場所において配送物の受領から14暦日請求されない場合、Lalamoveは、自己の裁量で、請求されない配送物を処理することできます。配送品の追加の取扱い及び追加の配送に要する費用は、本ユーザーが負担します。Lalamoveが指定する場所から配送物の再配送が必要となる場合、新規の配送注文が行われ請求されます。

  • 本ユーザーが配送されたことの証拠を要求する場合、配達パートナーは、配送されたものの写真を撮影するか、または荷受人の電子署名を得るものとします。

  • 配達パートナーは、本ユーザーの配送品の荷積み、荷下ろし、移動、運搬又は荷上げを、本アプリケーションを通じて指定された時間内であれば無料で手助けし、無料時間経過後は、ヘルパーサービス規約に従い、本ユーザーに料金を請求します(以下「ヘルパーサービス」といいます。)。ヘルパーサービスを要求することにより、本ユーザーは、ヘルパーサービス規約を含み、Lalamoveが公表する全てのポリシー並びに当該要求に関連し適用される法令及び規則を読み、理解し、承諾したこと、また、これらを遵守することを保証します。追加の費用がヘルパーサービスに適用され、関連する費用は配達パートナーの単独の裁量に従います。ヘルパーサービス規約はここ からご参照ください。

  • 本ユーザーは、表示される配達予定時間は、目安を提供するものにすぎず、その時間又はその時間までに引渡をする義務を定めたものではないことに同意します。

  • 本ユーザーは、配送品が配達予定時間に配送されない場合、追加の料金が課されないことに同意します。

  • 本ユーザーは、Lalamoveが本ユーザーと配達パートナーの間の紛争を解決する絶対的裁量を有しないことを理解しこれに同意しますが、Lalamoveに苦情を申し立てることができます。










  • 対象とする者により、対象目的のために、適法な方法でのみ利用することができます。

  • Lalamoveが明示に許可する場合を除き、いかなる方法によっても、複製、売却若しくは移転すること、または公衆に対して利用可能にすることはできません。

  • Lalamoveが当該販売促進の提案について設定する特別な条件に従います。

  • 現金又は現金等価物に交換することはできません。及び

  • 販売促進の提案に指定する日の後の利用は、有効ではありません。







法人アカウントユーザーに関連する場合を除き、本プラットフォームの利用は、無料ですが、Lalamove は、本プラットフォームの利用に対する料金を導入する権利を留保します。当社がかかる料金を導入する場合、貴殿には通知されるので、貴殿は、これに従い、貴殿の本アカウントを継続するか又は終了するか決定することができます。



  • Lalamoveは、配達パートナーが貴殿に提供する配送サービス及び他のサービス について、本サービスの特定の利用に対して支払義務の生じる、適用される運賃、税金及びその他の料金(以下「本料金」といいます。)を請求します。当該方法による本料金の支払は、貴殿が直接配達パートナーに対し行うものと同じであるとみなされ、当該本料金は、需給及びその他の要因に従い随時変動する可能性があります。

  • 本料金は、注文がされる時点で、支払期限が到来し、Lalamoveウォレットから引き落とされるか、または、貴殿の本アカウントで指定されたご希望の支払方法により支払われます。

  • 本料金は、Lalamoveが、個別の場合ごとに別段に決定する場合を除き、返金されません。

  • 請求される本料金は、円建で、法令上要求され適用される税金が付加されます。

  • 貴殿は、自発的に、より早く配達パートナーとマッチングするために優先料金又は追加料金を支払うことができます。ただし、貴殿は、それらの料金を支払うことを一旦選択すると、それは本料金に追加され、貴殿にはそれを支払う義務が生じます。

  • Lalamoveは、実際の状況に応じて料金を調整する全ての権利を留保します。

  • サービスに対する申込み/要求は、リソースの利用可能性の影響を受けます。提示された申込みが処理されない場合、Lalamoveは電子メール、テキストメッセージ、電話、又はプッシュ通知により、貴殿がLalamoveに提供したモバイル機器又は携帯電話の番号宛に本ユーザーに通知します。

  • Lalamoveは、理由を問わず、申込み/要求を処理できない場合、本ユーザーに支払われた金額に相当する額を返金するかどうか決定する完全な裁量を有します。

  • 貴殿は、配達パートナーの到着前はいつでも、配達パートナーのサービスに対する要求を取消す選択をすることができます。この場合、貴殿は、事前の通知なく、取消料を請求される可能性があります。

  • チャージ又は本料金の支払が成功した場合、電子レシートが、本ユーザーに発行されます。Lalamoveウォレットの残高不足により、本サービスが利用できなくなる可能性があります。


  • 現金払


  • 電子ペイメントゲートウェイ


  • Lalamoveウォレット




全てのクレジットは、発行した月から 5 ヶ月後の末日まで有効です(「有効期間」)。有効期間内に使用されなかったチャージ、または購入したクレジットは失効し、失効したクレジットについてはLalamoveは一切返金いたしません。いかなる場合も、有効期間は 6 ヶ月を超えることはありません。異なる時期にチャージまたは購入されたクレジットについては、有効期間が最も短いものから順に使用されます。


  • 電子ペイメントゲートウェイ

貴殿は、本支払処理業者が運営するLalamoveウォレットを通じてクレジットをチャージ及び購入することができます。Lalamove ウォレットのクレジット残高の処理は、本支払処理業者の確認を条件とします。Lalamoveは、本支払処理業者側のいかなるエラーに対しても責任を負いません。Lalamoveは、Lalamove ウォレットに入金する間又は入金した後、貴殿のE-ウォレットの無権限の利用について責任を負いません。

  • クレジットカード















Lalamoveは貴殿のアイデアに対する貴殿の権利を尊重いたします。秘密のアイデア、情報又は提案をLalamove又はそのいずれかの関連会社に対していかなる形式によっても提出しないでください。貴殿が提出するアイデア、情報又は提案については、貴殿の提案に関して貴殿の通信が伝える内容に拘わらず、貴殿の提出は自発的であり、以下の条件が貴殿の提出に適用されることを貴殿は理解しています。 (i)貴殿の提出及びそのコンテンツは、貴殿に対する補償なく、自動的にLalamoveの財産となること、 (ii) Lalamoveは、貴殿の提出をレビューする義務を負わないこと、 (iii) Lalamoveは、貴殿に対する補償なく、貴殿の提出及びそのコンテンツのいかなる部分をも実装し頒布することができること、並びに (iv) Lalamoveは、貴殿の提出を秘密に保持する義務を負わないこと。



  • 貴殿が、当該書面の全ての写しにおける所有権に関する表示を除去せず、当該情報を一切変更しない場合、

  • 貴殿が、当該情報を、個人的な、非商業的情報の目的のためにのみ使用し、当該情報をネットワーク化されたコンピュータにコピー若しくは掲載せず、又はいずれかのメディアで広めない場合、及び

  • 貴殿が当該情報に関して追加の表明又は保証をしない場合。



6. 免責事項








  • 標準を下回る梱包による品物/財物の原状に対する損害/欠陥/変更

  • 配送開始前に既に損害/欠陥/変更のあった品物/財物

  • 本サービスの質 。これは最終的に貴殿に配送及び/又は物流サービスを提供する配達パートナーに完全に依存しています。

  • 配達遅延。本サービスは配達時間を保証していません。

  • 予約を引受けられないこと

  • 本サービスの誤用、コールセンターの番号の間違え、ネットワークの問題、マルウェア、ウィルス又は不正確さ若しくは不完全さに起因する損害を含む本サービスの利用又は利用不能から生じる損害

  • 携帯、電子メール又はその他の通信媒体の妥当性。貴殿は、予約の確認に関して貴殿に送信される情報に生じた当該エラー(ある場合)を直ちに報告することに責任を負います。

  • 直接的、間接的、懲罰的、付随的、特別又は結果的損害、または、契約、不法行為、過失、厳格責任又はその他に基づくか否かにかかわらず、Lalamoveがその可能性を知らされていた場合であっても、逸失利益を含むあらゆる損害、及び

  • 本サービス及び配送の遅延中の紛失物。Lalamoveは、当該物品を「最善の努力」を尽くし見つけるよう努めますが、当該物品の損失又は損害及び配送の遅延に責任を負いません。



8. 補償


  • 本利用規約に参照されているか否かに関わらず、本利用規約又は適用される法令若しくは規則のいずれかの条項の貴殿による侵害又は違反、

  • 本プラットフォーム経由で手配された配達パートナーを含む第三者の権利の貴殿による侵害、又は

  • 貴殿の本サービスの利用又は誤用。



本利用規約に別途規定する場合を除き、本利用規約は、独占的に日本の法律に準拠しこれに従い解釈されます。本利用規約又はその違反、終了若しくは無効に起因又は関連して生じる紛争、論争又は請求は、日本商事仲裁協会(以下「JCAA」といいます。)の商事仲裁規則に従い、仲裁により最終的に解決されます。仲裁地は、日本の東京とします。仲裁手続は、英語で行われ、仲裁人の数は、3名とし、全ての仲裁人は、英語が流暢であり、そのうち少なくとも1名は、日本語が流暢であるものとします。Lalamove 及び配達パートナーは、それぞれ、1名の仲裁人を、他方当事者から仲裁通知を受領してから15日以内に選任するものとします。3人目の仲裁人は、Lalamove及び配達パートナーが選任した仲裁人のうち2人目の仲裁人が選任されてから15日以内に選任されるものとします。 3人目の仲裁人が選任されない場合、Lalamove及び配達パートナーは、JCAAに不足する仲裁人の選任を申請することができます。
















貴殿は、貴殿が権限を付与した者(以下「権限を有するユーザー」といいます。)は、(i) 本アプリケーションを互換性のあるデバイスにダウンロード及びインストールしなければならないこと、(ii) 法人アカウントを終了するまで、個人の有効な本アカウント(以下「アクティブアカウント」といいます。)に登録しこれを維持しなければならないことを、確認し理解します。


貴殿は、(i) 当該アクティブアカウントの保有者の名前、(ii) アクティブアカウントの保有者の会社の電子メールアドレスの貴殿のトップレベルドメイン名(例えば、名前@企業ドメイン名.com)、及び(iii) アクティブアカウントの保有者についてLalamoveが合理的に要求するその他の識別情報をLalamoveに提供します。Lalamoveは、アクティブアカウントを特定し、当該アクティブアカウントと貴殿の法人アカウントをリンクさせます。権限を有するユーザーは、上記のステップを完了することで、法人アカウントの機能にアクセスすることができます(以下「法人アカウントユーザー」といいます。)。


貴殿は、法人アカウントユーザーの行為又は行動に責任を負います。法人アカウントユーザーは、(i) 法人注文記録、(ii) 法人ウォレット、(iii) 法人人気ドライバー、(iv) 法人ステートメントにアクセスする権利があります。貴殿は、法人注文記録に基づき負担する全ての料金、並びに法人アカウントユーザーに適用され負担される料金を支払うことに同意します。



Lalamoveと貴殿の主なコンタクトは、サインアップページに規定する貴殿が選任する管理者(以下「法人管理者」といいます。)を通じて行われます。法人アカウントのページは、貴殿に、(a) 全ての招待された権限を有するユーザー及びリンクした法人アカウントユーザーの現在のリストを閲覧すること、(b) 追加の権限を有するユーザーを招待するために追加のデータを提供すること、(c) 法人アカウントユーザーのアクセスを取り消すこと、(d) 関連する注文情報を閲覧すること及びポータルデータを使用する動向を確認すること、(e) ファイル上の権限を有するユーザーを管理及び更新すること、(f) 現在の法人管理者を確認し、新規の法人管理者を選任及び解任することを可能にします。貴殿は、ポータルデータを、事業費の処理、会計及び予算の目的を含みますがこれらに限定されない合法的な事業目的のためにのみ使用することに同意します。Lalamoveは、法人アカウントの機能及び機能性を追加、削除及びアップデートする権利を留保します。


貴殿は、(a) 全てのポータルのログインクレデンシャルを秘密に保持すること、(b) 法人管理者のみにポータルにアクセスする許可を付与すること、(c) 法人管理者の全ての情報を、それが、最新、正確かつ完全であることを確保するために、更新することに同意します。貴殿は、貴殿のポータルのログインクレデンシャルに基づき生じる、権限を有するユーザー及び現在のコーポレートアカウントユーザーの正確なリストの保持及び維持を含む全ての利用に責任を負います。













Lalamove は、API統合機能により、サービスを提供します。詳細についてはLalamove API利用規約 でご参照いただけます。



配達中のお荷物の紛失、盗難、損傷につきましては、お荷物補償プログラム規約に従い、 Lalamove が提供する補償サービスの対象となります。 Lalamove は、補償規約の対象となるユーザーを選択する権利を留保します。





本Lalamove配達パートナー利用規約(以下「本利用規約」といいます。)は、日本において設立され、その登記上の事務所を東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目2番6号東京倶楽部ビルディング11階に有する会社であるLalamove Japan株式会社(以下「Lalamove」又は「当社」といいます。)が利用可能にするサービスを受けることを目的とする、当社のモバイルアプリケーション、WEBアプリケーション(ともに以下「本アプリケーション」といいます。)又はウェブサイトを経由した、情報サービスプラットフォーム(以下「本プラットフォーム」といいます。)への貴殿(以下「配達パートナー」といいます。)によるアクセス又は利用を規定しています。



  • 本利用規約を読み、理解したこと。

  • 本利用規約を遵守すること。

  • 少なくとも、居住地における成人年齢に達していること、及び別途、適法に契約を締結する能力があること。並びに

  • ご自身のために、また、該当する場合、本プラットフォームを利用するために登録した組織のために、本利用規約を締結する権限、及び当該組織を本利用規約に拘束する権限を有すること。





Lalamove は、本利用規約を随時変更する権利を留保します。当社は、変更する場合、本利用規約の上部の日付を改訂することにより貴殿に知らせ、(当社のホームページにその旨追加する又は電子メールにより通知を貴殿にお送りする等により)追加で通知をする場合もあります。本利用規約を定期的に確認され、当社の事業について継続して情報を入手いただくことをお勧めいたします。当社が本利用規約の変更をする場合、貴殿に別途通知する場合を除き、改訂された本利用規約が掲載される時には、それらは有効です。改訂された本利用規約の掲載後、貴殿は、本プラットフォームを継続して利用される場合、本利用規約の当該変更を承諾したものとみなされます。


1. 当社のサービス




2. ソフトウェアの利用


  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアのコピー又は本ソフトウェアの利用に関するライセンスを、いかなる第三者に対しても、貸す、賃貸する、サブライセンスする、配布する、または移転することを許されません。

  • 貴殿は、本プラットフォーム又は本プラットフォームに接続するネットワークの脆弱性を調査、精査又はテストしてはならず、本プラットフォーム又は本プラットフォームに接続するネットワークのセキュリティ又は認証手段に違反してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアを変更、適合、リバースエンジニアリング、デコンパイル、逆アセンブル、トランスレーションしてはならず、また、本ソフトウェアに基づく二次的著作物を作成してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、本ソフトウェアの通常のオペレーションを妨害してはならず、また、本ソフトウェアのソースコードをエクスポート又は改変するメソッドを使用してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、あらゆる種類のコンピュータウィルス、ワーム、トロイの木馬又は悪性コードをアップロード又は送信してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、Lalamoveが承認したオペレーションシステムを動作させるモバイル端末以外のデバイスに、本ソフトウェアをインストール及び/又は実行してはなりません。及び

  • 本規約において付与される本ソフトウェアを使用するライセンスを除き、他のライセンス又は権利は本規約により貴殿に付与されず、本ソフトウェアの所有権及びその他の全ての権利は、Lalamove及びそのサプライヤーにより明示に留保されます。

3. 配達パートナーアカウント


登録する際に、貴殿は、氏名、写真、連絡先等のご自身の個人情報をLalamoveの プライバシポリシに従い、直接又は間接的に提供する義務があり、車両及び免許に関連する情報を提供する義務があります。貴殿が入力し維持する詳細は、正確、完全かつ有効であることに貴殿は、同意します。 Lalamoveは、貴殿が提供する虚偽の、不完全な、古い又は不正確な登録情報について責任を負いません。貴殿は、正確、完全かつ有効な情報を入力又は維持しない場合、結果として本サービスにアクセスし本サービスを利用することが出来なくなる可能性があります。貴殿は、配達パートナーアカウントに基づき発生する全ての行動に単独で責任を負います。Lalamoveは、貴殿が提供した情報を常に確認し、理由及び事前の通知を提供せずに、本ソフトウェアの使用を拒否する権利があります。 

貴殿は、本サービスにアクセスしこれを利用するのに必要な互換性のあるハードウェア又はデバイスの取得及びアップデートに責任を負います。Lalamoveは、本サービス又はその一部が特定のハードウェア又はデバイス上で機能することを保証いたしません。Lalamoveは、貴殿が互換性のない又は未認証のデバイスにより本サービスを利用する場合、または貴殿の配達パートナーアカウントのセキュリティが当社が発見する方法又は理由で 危殆化する場合、本サービスの利用を終了させる権利を留保します。 


  • 貴殿は、Lalamoveが明示的に許可した手段を使用することによってのみ本サービスにアクセスします。

  • 提供される本プラットフォーム及び本サービスは、貴殿自身が使用するために貴殿によってのみ使用され、第三者に再販売されません。

  • 貴殿の配達パートナーアカウントを使用する権限を他人に付与しません。 

  • 貴殿は、一つの配達パートナーアカウントを開設することのみ許されています。

  • 貴殿の配達パートナーアカウントを他の人又は法人に譲渡することは許されていません。

  • ご自身以外の人の権利の対象となっているアカウントを適切な権限なく使用することはできません。

  • 本サービスを、以下を含みますがこれらに限定されない違法目的で使用することはできません。(i) 適用される法令違反、(ii) 違法物品の貯蔵又は配送、 (iii) 他者の機密性の高い個人情報を本人の承諾なく共有すること、(iv) 故意に危害、迷惑、不都合若しくは不快感を与えること、 (v) 本サービスの適切なオペレーションを妨害する又はこれに危害を加えること、 (vi) 他人に成りすます文言を示すこと、又は(vii) Lalamoveの許可なく本サービスをコピー又は頒布すること。

  • 貴殿のパスワード又はLalamoveが提供するクレデンシャルIDは安全かつ秘密としなければなりません。

  • Lalamoveが要求する場合、身分証明書又はその他の文書を直ちに提出する必要があります。

  • 本サービスを利用する間、全ての適用される法令の遵守が不可欠です。

  • 貴殿は、「ディープリンク」「ページ-スクレイパー」、「ロボット」、「スパイダー」又はその他の自動デバイス、プログラム、アルゴリズム若しくは方法論、又は類似若しくは同等の手動の処理過程を、本プラットフォーム若しくはコンテンツの一部にアクセス、収集、コピー、モニターするために、又は本プラットフォーム若しくはコンテンツのナビゲーション構造若しくはプレゼンテーションを再現する若しくは回避する方法で、本プラットフォームを通じて意図的に利用可能となっていない方法により資料、文書若しくは情報を取得する若しくは取得を試みるために、使用してはなりません。Lalamoveは、当該行為を禁止する権利を留保します。

  • 貴殿は、システムの完全性又はセキュリティを侵害又は危殆化する試みをしてはならず、本プラットフォームを動作するサービスへの又はサービスからの発信を解読する試みをしてはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、アカウント名を含む個人を特定できる情報を本プラットフォームから受領又は収集してはなりません。及び



4. 配達パートナーの保証及び表明


  • ユーザー及び配送品の情報を取得した後に、配達パートナーは、当該情報を自身で確認します。配達パートナーは、取得した情報を適切に確認した後、配送品デリバリーを引き受けかつ提供するかご自身の裁量で決定します。

  • 貴殿が配送品を引きうける前に注文がキャンセルされた場合には、貴殿はユーザーに対しキャンセルに関しいかなる料金も請求することはできません。

  • 配達パートナーは、ご自身及びユーザーとの間で設定した全ての配送スケジュールを遵守する責任を有することを理解しこれに同意します。配達パートナーは、ユーザーと設定した各配送スケジュールに従い、配送品を配送するあらゆる合理的な努力をします。

  • 貴殿は、貴殿が提供する配送品デリバリーを原因とする又はその結果であると主張される人身傷害、死亡、全損失及び財物損害を含みますがこれらに限定されない事故、損失若しくは損害に起因するあらゆる全ての請求、判断及び法的責任に対し単独で責任を負います。

  • 貴殿は、配送に際し、全ての配送品の中身及び配送品の損害若しくは損失に責任を負います。配達パートナーは、権限のない者が配送品にアクセスすることを避けるために全ての合理的な予防措置を講じ、当該配送品の損失又は損害に対し全ての合理的な予防措置も講じます。

  • 貴殿は、配送品デリバリーを行っている間常に、配送品デリバリーを行うためにLalamoveによって登録された当該国で配送品デリバリーを行うのに必要で有効な運転免許証及びその他全ての必要な免許、届出、許可、登録、承認及び/又は権限を保有します。Lalamoveが自己に適用される義務を遵守するために、貴殿は、Lalamoveの要求に応じて、全ての必要な免許、届出、許可、登録、承認及び/又は権限の写しを当社が要求する形式により随時要求通りに提供します。

  • 貴殿は配送品デリバリーを行うために必要な本プラットフォーム以外の全ての機器を提供する責任を負います。貴殿は、配送品デリバリーを行うために使用する機器における権原又はその他の十分な権利を保有します。配達パートナーは、全ての当該機器を維持すること、並びに当該機器が全ての法律上の安全及び品質に関する基準を遵守することにつき、単独で責任を負います。

  • 適用される法令により別途要求される場合を除き、配達パートナーは、自己の機器に対する損害又は損失に対する全てのリスクを負担します。

  • 徒歩による場合を除き、貴殿は、車両について適用され随時更新される全ての基準(貴殿の国において該当する車両の道路での使用に適することの証明書の所有を含みます)を常に満たすユーザーへの配送品デリバリーを行うために登録した貴殿の車両以外の車両を使用してはなりません。貴殿は、車両を、良好な稼働状態でかつ全ての適用される法令を遵守して使用します。貴殿は、全ての車両に関する登録及び検査の記録を維持し、当該記録の最新版を要求に応じて提供します。

  • 貴殿は、ユーザーが貴殿によって配送されたことを示す証拠を求めた場合、配送品が配送されたことの写真を撮影するか、受取人からEサインを得るものとします

  • 貴殿は、配送品の引渡方法は原則として対面での引渡であることに同意するものとします。ただし、引渡方法についてユーザーの指示がある場合は、その指示に従うものとします。もし配送品を引き渡せない場合には、貴殿は合理的な努力を尽くしてユーザー又はLalamoveに連絡を取り、更なる指示を求めるものとします。上記にかかわらず、配送ができなかった配送品については、荷送人又はLalamoveの指定する場所まで返送するものとします。ユーザーは配送品の再配送によって発生する運賃を負担するものとします。

  • 貴殿は、ご自身の費用で、保険((該当する場合)配送品デリバリーを行うのに使用される車両に関して付保する強制加入の第三者の車両保険を含みますがこれに限定されません)に関するご自身の法律上の義務を常に遵守し、ご自身の費用で、配送品デリバリーを提供する者が保持するのが賢明であるとされるその他の保険契約、並びにLalamoveが貴殿に保持するよう要求するその他の最低限度の保険(以下を含みますがこれらに限定されません)を保持します。

    当該車両の商用利用をカバーする規定を有する有効な第三者の車両保険、並びに 配送品デリバリーを行うために貴殿が登録されている国において、公道における商品の配送車両の使用に適用される最低要件、



    Lalamoveがこれらの要件の貴殿の継続した遵守を確認するために、貴殿は、Lalamoveの要求に応じて、該当する保険証券及び 通貨の保険証書及び/又はこれに相当するその他の保険の証明の写しを提供します。貴殿は、必要な保険の保持を終了する場合、随時、貴殿の状況についての当該変更をLalamoveに直ちに通知した上で、配送品デリバリーを終了しなければなりません。

  • 貴殿は、配送品デリバリーに関連する全ての適用される法令を遵守し、当該適用される法令の違反に単独で責任を負います。貴殿は、配送の性質に同乗者の動作、現金及び郵便法に基づく信書が含まれる要求を承諾してはなりません。また、貴殿は、可燃物、爆発物、危険物、腐敗性物質、放射性物質並びに貴金属及び美術品を含む高価品の配送を承諾してはなりません。

  • 貴殿は、業務中、以下のガイドライン(「Lalamoveコミュニティガイドライン」)に従いこれを遵守します。


  • 配達パートナーは、その業務中、第三者及び/又はユーザーの秘密の、独占的な、営業秘密、保護されるべき医療情報及び/又は個人を特定できる情報(以下「秘密情報」といいます。)  を知る可能性があることを確認します。この秘密情報には、ユーザー、ユーザーの事業、配送品の中身、ユーザーの住所、ユーザーの連絡先、配送先住所、支払情報、支払方法、クレジットカード情報、金融口座、デモグラフィック情報、勤務先住所関する情報、並びにユーザーのパートナー、同僚、顧客に関する情報及び受取人に関する類似の情報を含みますが、これらに限定されません。配達パートナーは、配送品デリバリーを行うために必要な場合又は法令により要求される場合を除いて、この全ての秘密情報の秘密性を保持し、これを他の者に開示しないことに同意します。この秘密情報の不正開示は、本利用規約の重大な違反を構成し、Lalamoveに配達パートナーアカウントを一時的にロックする又は永久に解除する権利を与えます。



          (a) 暴力団、

          (b) 暴力団員、

          (c) 暴力団準構成員、

          (d) 暴力団関係企業、

          (e) 総会屋、社会運動等標榜ゴロ又は特殊知能暴力集団等、又は

          (f) その他前各号に準ずる者





5. 支払

配達パートナーは、Lalamoveではなく、ユーザーが当該配送品に関連する全ての請求額及び料金の支払に責任を負うことを確認します。ユーザー及び配達パートナーが当該配送が完了したことを確認した場合、ユーザーに支払額が請求されます。Lalamoveは、その裁量で、随時請求価格を変更する権利を留保します。  配達パートナーは、Lalamoveが受領する支払は、本プラットフォームが提供する情報サービスによるものであることを確認し同意します。


Lalamove は、貴殿に対する又は貴殿からの支払をウォレットシステムを通じて管理します。配達パートナーのウォレットの貴殿の残高は、貴殿が指定する銀行預金口座に貴殿が引き落とすことができます。また貴殿からの引き落としの指示がない場合でも、当社は60日ごとに義務的に貴殿が指定する銀行預金口座にウォレットシステムの残額を支払います。ただし配達パートナーが正確な銀行預金口座の情報をこの60日以内に提供しない場合や当社がこの60日ごとの義務的な支払ができない場合はこの限りではありません。


全てのクレジットは、発行した月から 5 ヶ月後の末日まで有効です(「有効期間」)。有効期間内に使用されなかったチャージ、または購入したクレジットは失効し、失効したクレジットについてはLalamoveは一切返金いたしません。いかなる場合も、有効期間は 6 ヶ月を超えることはありません。異なる時期にチャージまたは購入されたクレジットについては、有効期間が最も短いものから順に使用されます。



  • 基本運賃-これは、配送品デリバリー中に生じた走行距離料金から構成されます。

  • 注文補助金-これは、Lalamoveが支払う補助金から構成され、基本料金の一部に含まれますが、補助金はピーク需要に対する補助金に限定されません。

  • Lalaクーポン-これは、特定の注文に適用される販売促進用の金額から構成されます。販売促進は、通常はユーザーに対してなされ、Lalamoveが補助金を支出します。


  • 優先料金-これは、ユーザーが速やかな納品を促す目的で、配送品デリバリーの前に支払うことを誓約した追加料金に関するものです。

  • 待機料金-これは、配達パートナーが商品の受取り又は商品の配送を待つようユーザーから要求された場合の特定の注文に課される追加料金に関するものです。

  • 高需要時追加料金- これは、超ピーク時の配送品デリバリーを促すための特別な注文に対して課される追加料金に関するものです。Lalamoveは、オペレーションの要請に応じて超ピーク時の時間帯を定める裁量を留保します。

  • 通行料金-これは配送品デリバリー中に貴殿に生じたトンネル及び道路通行料金に関するものです。  これは、実費に基づき請求され、ユーザーと相互に合意した金額となります。

  • 注文料-これは、ユーザーが要求する付加価値のサービスに関連するその他の料金及び 追加料金に関するものです。  この範疇には、物品の移動費用、購入サービス追加料金等が含まれますが、これらに限定されません。


  • シールの貼付-これは、当社ブランドのシールの貴殿の車両への貼付に対する同意の見返りとして、Lalamoveが貴殿に提供する現金又は非現金のインセンティブに関するものです。  シールの寸法、デザイン及び車両における位置は、Lalamoveにより決定されます。  貴殿は、さらに、要請に応じてLalamoveのシールの維持に協力することに同意します。不遵守は、貼付シールの没収につながる可能性があります。
  • ドライバーのユーザー紹介キャンペーン-これは、貴殿が初回利用のユーザーをLalamoveのプラットフォームに首尾よく紹介できた後に金銭による報奨を受領するキャンペーンです。  このキャンペーンに参加することを選択する場合、貴殿には、固有のプロモーションコードが発行され、第三者に本コードを頒布するよう促されます。 貴殿の固有のプロモーションコードによりトリガーされる適切なイベントがある場合、貴殿は、Lalamoveが規定するレートに応じて報奨が与えられます。

6. 税務 



7. 通信  

配達パートナーアカウントの作成により、貴殿は、電子メール、テキストメッセージ、電話、インスタントメッセージアプリ及びプッシュ通知を含むLalamoveからの通信を受領及び受信することについて、電子的に同意します。貴殿は、(i)注文内容、(ii)支払金額、(iii)支払日、(iv) ユーザー情報、(v)注文日、(vi)支払決済方法に関する情報を電子形式で受け取ることに同意するものとします。貴殿は、本サービスに関連して貴殿の登録を通じて受領される注文に関する通信を含みますがこれに限定されない、自動ダイヤル電話システムにより行われる通信、並びに/又はLalamove、その関連会社及び/若しくは第三者請負業者により若しくはそのために送信される事前に録音されたメッセージの配信による通信を受領する可能性があることを了解しこれに同意します。貴殿は、通信設定を変更することで拒否することができます。拒否することにより貴殿の本サービスの利用に影響を与える可能性があることにご留意ください。

8. 販売促進


9. 他の第三者との相互関係 

本プラットフォームを使用する又はこれにアクセスする間、貴殿は、本プラットフォームを通じてその商品及び/又はサービスを表示する第三者であるサービスプロバイダー、広告主若しくはスポンサーと交信を始め、彼らから商品及び/若しくはサービスを購入し、彼らの販売促進に参加することができます。 Lalamove及びそのライセンサーは、貴殿と当該第三者の間の当該交信、購入、取引又は販売促進についていかなる法的責任、義務又は責任も負担しません。Lalamoveは、貴殿及び当該第三者プロバイダー間の契約から生じる責任又は法的責任を負担しません。

10. 知的財産権







Lalamoveは貴殿のアイデアに対する貴殿の権利を尊重いたします。秘密のアイデア、情報又は提案をLalamove又はそのいずれかの関連会社に対していかなる形式によっても提出しないでください。貴殿が提出するアイデア、情報又は提案については、貴殿の提案に関して貴殿の通信が伝える内容に拘わらず、貴殿の提出は自発的であり、以下の条件が貴殿の提出に適用されることを貴殿は理解しています。 (i) 貴殿の提出及びそのコンテンツは、貴殿に対する補償なく、自動的にLalamoveの財産となること、 (ii) Lalamoveは、貴殿の提出をレビューする義務を負わないこと、 (iii) Lalamoveは、貴殿に対する補償なく、貴殿の提出及びそのコンテンツのいかなる部分をも実装し頒布することができること、並びに (iv) Lalamoveは、貴殿の提出を秘密に保持する義務を負わないこと。 


    • 貴殿が、当該書面の全ての写しにおける所有権に関する表示を除去せず、当該情報を一切変更しない場合、 

    • 貴殿が、当該情報を、個人的な、非商業的情報の目的のためにのみ使用し、当該情報をネットワーク化されたコンピュータにコピー若しくは掲載せず、又はいずれかのメディアで広めない場合、及び

    • 貴殿が当該情報に関して追加の表明又は保証をしない場合。

11. 補償

配達パートナーは、配送品を配送する間、全ての配送品及び全ての配送品デリバリーに責任を負うことを確認します。 配達パートナーは、Lalamoveが配送品又は配送品デリバリーを管理せず又はこれに対して責任を負わないこと、及び本プラットフォームの機能についてのみ管理をし又はこれに対して責任を負うことに同意します。配達パートナーは、Lalamoveが、配達パートナーが被った行為、不正行為、損失又は損害について 、責任を負わないことに同意します。 

配達パートナーは、Lalamove、並びにその過去及び現在の承継人、譲受人、関係会社、役員、所有者、従業員及び代理人(以下「Lalamove被補償者」といいます。)を、配達パートナーの  (i) 本利用規約違反、(ii) 本プラットフォーム、本サービス、及び/又は配送品デリバリーに関連する行為、(iii) 法律の違反若しくは違反の疑い、又は他の配達パートナー、ユーザー、ドライバー、従業員、下請業者、譲受人及び歩行者を含みますがこれらに限定されない第三者の権利の侵害若しくは侵害の疑い、(iv) 「秘密情報」の開示、 (v) 配送品デリバリーに使用される車両の所有権、使用、若しくは作動、 (vi) 適切な保険、届出、免許、許可、若しくは権限の不保持、(vii) 配達パートナーの業務及び/若しくは行為、並びに/又は配達パートナーの第三者及び/若しくはユーザーとの業務の結果による損害又は損失(配送品の損害を含みますがこれに限定されません)、(viii) 不正行為、規約違反、法令違反又はその他の違法行為、並びに(ix) 全ての必要な税金、源泉徴収、保険拠出金若しくは保険料の不払又は不払の疑いに、直接若しくは間接的に起因する、又はその結果若しくはこれに関係して生じる第三者によりLalamove被補償者に対して主張される請求に起因又はこれに関連して生じる、あらゆる全ての損失、実際の訴訟又は訴訟のおそれ、法的措置、手続(法律上若しくは衡平法上のもの)、請求、損害賠償、支払の請求、不足額、罰金、判決、和解、法的責任、コスト及び費用(合理的な弁護士報酬、費用、罰金、利息及び雑費を含みます)から防御、補償及び免責することに同意します。このデリバリパートナーのLalamoveを防御する義務において、Lalamoveは自己の弁護士を使用する権利を有するものとします。  

配達パートナーは、配送品デリバリーを全ての適用される法令を遵守して行うことに同意し、Lalamoveを、配達パートナーによる当該法令の違反又は違反の疑いから防御、補償及び免責します。Lalamoveは、配達パートナーの本利用規約の違反又はLalamoveが不適切であるとみなすその他の行為を理由として、本プラットフォームへのアクセスをロックアウト、停止又は終了する権利を留保します。 万が一配達パートナーの独立の契約者としての地位に異議が申し立てられ、配達パートナーが裁判所、機関、仲裁人により独立の契約者ではないと決定される場合、配達パートナーは、Lalamoveを、配達パートナーの防護義務に基づき、当該決定に関連する全てのコスト、罰金、追徴課税、損害賠償及び弁護士報酬から防御、補償及び免責することに同意し、Lalamoveは自己の弁護士を使用する権利を有するものとします。  



12. 免責事項





13. 本サービスの終了



14. 分離可能性


15. 放棄の否定


16. 準拠法


17. 承継者


18. 大文字


19. 異なる言語のバージョン 

















1. 相互尊重


2. 安全性


3. 法を守る


4. フィードバック





1.1 暴力又は傷害、強制、脅迫、不正行為





  • 個人的な質問を尋ねないでください。個人的な質問やパーソナルスペースを侵害することは一般的に不適切であると考えられます(例えば、恋愛関係、金銭的又は性的指向など)。

  • ハラスメントは、社会的規範及び個人的規範によって異なることを念頭に置いてください。例えば、外見に関するコメントは他人を不快にする場合があります。これには、軽蔑的なコメントや「褒める」コメントの両方が含まれます。

  • 露骨なコメントや言葉を使わないジェスチャーをしないでください。それらの行動が性的な性質を持ち他人を不快にさせる場合、セクシャルハラスメントに該当する可能性があります(例えば、中傷や生々しいメッセージ、示唆的なメッセージなど)。

  • 他の人に戯れつかないでください(例えば、言葉によらずとも、はしゃいだり、接近しすぎたりするなど)。

  • わいせつ物を見せることは禁止されています(例えば、性的なものを示唆する物や写真など)。

  • 他のユーザーのプライバシーやパーソナルスペースを尊重することを強く勧奨します。仕事上の理由以外で受取人や荷送人にメールを送ったり電話をかけたりすることは、ハラスメントの一種であると同時に、個人のセキュリティや個人データ保護の権利を侵害することにもなります。

  • ポルノ、性的に露骨なコンテンツ、性的暴力や暴行を伴うコンテンツを表示しないでください。

  • 暴力的で攻撃的な行動は常に避けてください。Lalamoveはいかなる暴力や攻撃も容認しません。いかなる方々も、口頭での口論、わいせつな言葉や風刺の使用、脅迫や身体的暴力など、攻撃的な行為に関与してはなりません。
1.2 脅迫的で無礼な行動


1.3 配達後の連絡


1.4 差別


  • 年齢

  • 肌の色

  • 身体の障害

  • 性別

  • 配偶者の有無

  • 国籍

  • 妊娠・出産

  • 人種

  • 宗教又は信条

  • 性的指向



  • あなたは、人種、宗教、国籍、障害、性的指向、性別、配偶者の有無、性自認、年齢又は法令で保護されているその他特性に基づいて、サービスの提供を拒否してはなりません。このような行為は、Lalamoveプラットフォームへのアクセス権限の喪失につながる場合があります。相手がそのグループに属しているか否かにかかわらず、個人又はグループを侮蔑的又は差別的に発言することは失礼にあたります。ある国の法令では、特定のグループに対して、またはそのグループの利益のためにサービスを提供することが要求及び/又は許可される場合があります。これらの法令及び関連する適用条件によって必要とされる又は許可されるサービスは、そのような国における当社のガイドラインで認められます。

  • これらの特徴に基づいて、または集荷場所や配達場所に基づいて差別することは容認されません。もしあなたが特定の地域を、またはその地域の人々もしくは企業を避けることのみを目的として、依頼を意図的に拒否又はキャンセルした場合や、配達依頼をキャンセルするためにLalamoveプラットフォームの機能を使用した場合、Lalamoveプラットフォームへのアクセスができなくなる可能性があります。

1.5 安全な配達




1.6 ポジティブな体験を創る






2.1 アカウント共有

ご本人名義で登録されたアカウントにアクセスできるのはご本人だけです。アカウントの共有は許可されていません。Lalamove プラットフォームを利用するには、有効なアカウントを登録し、維持する必要があります。ご自身のアカウントで行われた活動は、ご自身の責任となります。他人にご自身のアカウントを使用させたり、ご自身のアカウント、パスワード、写真を他人と共有したりしないでください。Lalamove プラットフォームにアクセスするためにアカウントに関連して使用される個人情報を決して共有しないでください。皆様は、ご自身の個人情報を保護する責任があり、もしご自身のアカウントを他人に使用させることを許可していない場合であっても、ご自身の情報の全ての使用について責任を負います。アカウントの安全性については、ご自身の責任となります。


2.2 未成年者


2.3 車両情報

車両(自転車、オートバイ、スクーターを含みますが、これらに限定されません。)の状態は、業界の安全基準及び当該地域の規制に従って維持してください。ウォーカー を除いて、Lalamoveに登録されている車両のみを使用するようにしてください。スムーズかつ簡単に配達を行うため、Lalamoveプラットフォームは、ドライバー、ウォーカー、車両に関する識別情報(車両のナンバープレート番号、型番、プロフィール写真、乗員の名前など)をユーザーに提供します。あなたの書類の有効期限が切れた場合は、あなたの責任において更新し、再提出してください。


2.4 適切なメンテナンスと維持




2.5 シートベルト


2.6 自転車、オートバイ、スクーター用のヘルメット


2.7 動画や音声を記録する車載カメラの使用


  • 状況や地域によっては、当該国の法令により、乗員が記録対象の同意を取得することが必要な場合があります。あなたの責任と法的権利を理解するために、お住まいの国の法令を確認してください。

  • ドライバーは、任意で録画映像をLalamoveに提出することができます。Lalamoveは、提出された映像を確認し、当社のガイドライン及びプラットフォームの利用規約に従って、必要かつ適切なあらゆる措置を講じます。

  • 当社、当社のユーザー、当社の乗員、車両内オーディオ及び/又はビデオ録画(あなたの画像又は音声又はその両方、及びそれらに関連するメタデータなど)とのやり取りによって取得した個人データを、ソーシャルメディア又はその他のデジタル又は物理的な公共の場所で共有又はストリーミング配信する行為は、当社のガイドラインに違反し、当社の安全チームが直ちにさらなる調査を行う可能性があります。

2.8 運転中は注意を怠らず居眠りしないこと


2.9 道路をゆずり合い周囲に気を配る



  • 運転のペースをコントロールする

  • 前方に注意を払い、不測の事態に備える

  • 注意を怠らず、注意散漫にならないようにする

  • 他の運転者や歩行者のさまざまな行動や反応に備える

  • 他の運転者が、普段の自分とは違う行動を取ることを予測する

  • 他の運転者を観察し、尊重する

  • 前方車両との車間距離を保つ

  • 天候や路面状況を考慮しながら(あるいは調整しながら)安全運転をする

  • カーブの途中でブレーキを踏まないよう、カーブに差し掛かる前に速度を調整する

2.10 公衆上の緊急事態



2.11 安全な集荷場所を提供する


2.12 アルコール、薬物、武器及び全ての違法品を容認しない





3.1 薬物とアルコール


3.2 銃器、ナイフ、武器の禁止


3.3 詐欺



  • 詐欺やその他の目的で、配達の時間や距離を意図的に長くすること。

  • 不正な目的でユーザーにキャンセルを促すなど、注文や配達の依頼を完了させるつもりがないにもかかわらず、注文や配達の依頼を受けること。

  • 不正な目的で架空のアカウントや注文を作成すること。

  • 待機料や附帯業務としての清掃料など、不正な費用を請求すること。

  • 荷物を集荷していないのに配達完了を主張すること。

  • 荷物を集荷し、配達を行わずにその一部又は全部を保管すること。

  • 本プラットフォーム及びGPSシステムの正常な動作を妨害又は操作する行為。

  • オファーやプロモーションを悪用すること、及び/又はそれらを意図された目的に使用しないこと。

  • 不正又は違法な理由で請求に異議を申し立てること。

  • 不正な重複アカウントを作成すること。

  • プラットフォームへのアクセス又は利益を得るために不正なアプリケーション又は手段を使用すること。

  • 不正な目的で書類、ファイル、その他のデータを改ざんすること。

3.4 プラットフォーム外での注文





3.5 その他の禁止行為






4.1 評価




4.2 配達のキャンセル


4.3 Lalamoveがガイドラインを実施する方法









Terms and Conditions
Latest Modified: 26 March 2024


This Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) governs the access or use by you of the information service platform (“Platform”) through our mobile applications, website, applications (together “Applications”) to receive services made available by Lalamove Japan Limited, a company incorporated in 11/F., Tokyo Club Building, 3-2-6 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (“Lalamove”).


Please make sure to carefully read through these Terms before accessing or using the Platform. These Terms whether stated or otherwise referenced herein set forth rights and obligations and constitute a legal agreement between Lalamove and you.


By using or accessing the Platform, you hereby expressly affirm that:

  • you have read and understand these Terms

  • you will comply with these Terms; 

  • you will comply with Community Guidelines; and

  • you are at least the age of legal majority in your place of residence and otherwise legally competent to enter into contracts.

You also acknowledge and agree that you have the authority to enter into these Terms personally and, if applicable, on behalf of any organization on whose behalf you have enrolled for use of the Platform and to bind such organization to these Terms. 




In these Terms, the words “you” or “your” refer to all individuals and other persons who access or use the Platform, including, without limitation, any organizations that enroll or otherwise access or use the Platform through their respective representatives or employees (“User(s)”).


In these Terms, “Applicable Law(s)” means applicable Japanese laws, rules, and regulations governing payments and all services provided hereunder, including: any and all foreign laws, treaties, rules, regulations, regulatory guidance, directives, policies, orders or determinations of (or agreements with), and mandatory written direction from (or agreements with) any regulatory authority, as each of the foregoing may be amended and in effect from time to time. 


We reserve the right to change these Terms from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the Terms and, in some cases, we will provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our homepage or sending you an email notification). We encourage you to review these Terms periodically to stay informed about our practices. Whenever we make changes to these Terms, they are effective when the revised Terms are posted unless we notify you otherwise. If you continue to use the Platform after the revised Terms have been posted, then you will be deemed to have accepted the changes to these Terms.


1. Our Services

The services provided by Lalamove (“Services”) are meant to connect Users and independent third party delivery partners (“Delivery Partner”) who provide transportation, logistics and/or delivery services. The transportation and/or logistics services provided by the Delivery Partner could be availed/requested through the use of the Platform supplied by Lalamove.

You acknowledge that Lalamove by itself or any of its affiliates does not own, employ or provide transportation and/or logistics services or function as a transportation carrier and that all such transportation, or logistics services provided are by Delivery Partners.


2. Use of the Software

While using the software provided by Lalamove (“Software”) you agree that:

  • you are permitted to install a copy of the Software on your mobile device for your use;

  • you are not permitted to rent, lease, sublicense, distribute or transfer copies of the Software or the license for the use of the Software to any third parties;

  • you shall not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Platform or any network connected to the Platform nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Platform or any network connected to the Platform;

  • you shall not modify, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, translate the Software or create derivative works based on the Software;

  • you shall not interrupt the normal operation of the Software, or use any methods to export or modify the source code of the Software;

  • you shall not upload or send out any kinds of computer viruses, worms, trojans, or malicious codes;

  • you shall not install and/or execute the Software on any device other than the mobile device and web running the operating systems approved by Lalamove; and

  • other than the license to use the Software granted hereof, no other license or right is hereby granted to you and the ownership of the Software and all other rights are hereby expressly reserved by Lalamove and its suppliers.

3. Use of the Services

User Account

In order for you to use the Services, you are required to register for a personal account (“Account”) with Lalamove. During Account registration, you are obligated to provide your personal information, such as your name, contact information directly or indirectly in accordance with Lalamove’s Privacy Policy

Once the Account registration is successfully completed with Lalamove, you will be provided with an Account, accessible with a password of your choice. The Services or Platform may be restricted/limited based on your resident jurisdiction because of age, in such cases you must abide by the age limits and not use the Services or the Platform.

You agree that the details entered and maintained by you are accurate, complete and valid. Lalamove is not liable for false, incomplete, outdated or incorrect registration information provided by you. Your failure to enter or maintain accurate, complete, and valid information may result in your inability to access and use the Services. You are responsible for all activity that occurs under your Account. Lalamove is entitled to verify the information that you have provided at all times and refuse your use of the Services without providing reasons and prior notice. 

You are responsible for acquiring and updating compatible hardware or devices necessary to access and use the Services and the Applications. Lalamove does not guarantee that the Services, or any portion thereof, will function on any particular hardware or devices. Lalamove reserves the right to terminate the use of the Services should you be using the Service in an incompatible or unauthorized device or that the security of your account has been compromised in any way or for any reason we may find just. 

While using the Services you agree that: 

  • you shall only access the Services using means explicitly authorized by Lalamove;

  • the Platform and Services provided will solely be used by you, for your personal use and will not be resold to any third party;

  • you will not authorize others to use your Account; 

  • you are only allowed to open a single Account;

  • transferring of your Account to any other person or legal entity is not permitted;

  • you cannot use an account that is subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorization;

  • Lalamove holds the right to include/exclude the Users from promotional offers; 

  • the Services cannot be used for unlawful purposes, including but not limited to (i) violation of Applicable Law; (ii) storing or sending any unlawful material; (iii) sharing of sensitive personal information of others, without their consent (iv) causing intentional harm, nuisance, inconvenience or annoyance; (v) impairing or harming the proper operation of the Services; (vi) exhibiting the tenor of impersonating another person; or (vii) copying or distributing the Services without the permission of Lalamove;

  • your password or any identification credentials that Lalamove provides to you should be secure and confidential;

  • proof of identity or other documentations needs to be submitted immediately if requested by Lalamove;

  • compliance with all the Applicable Law is a must while using the Services;

  • you shall not use any “deep-link”, “page-scrape”, “robot”, “spider” or other automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Platform or any content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Platform or any content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Platform. Lalamove reserves the right to bar any such activity;

  • you shall not attempt to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Platform;

  • you shall not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Platform;

  • you shall not engage in threatening, harassing, discriminatory (based on race, gender, age, disability, or any other protected classification) or any other behavior that Lalamove deems inappropriate when using the Services; and

  • you agree to grant Lalamove the rights to share your information and/or permitted information, with any third parties in accordance with Lalamove’s Privacy Policy

 Rules of Use: 

  • Users warrant that they are either the owners or the authorized agents of the owners of the goods and materials comprising any requested shipments, and that the Users are authorized to order that the shipments be made in accordance with the Users’ instructions.

  • Users warrant that they have accepted these Terms not only for such Users but (if applicable) also as agents for and on behalf of the owner of the goods and materials comprising shipments. 

  • Users understand that the Delivery Partners will be directed by the User’s instructions to transport the shipments to the User’s designated location. Users agree that neither the Delivery Partner nor Lalamove holds title to or acquires any ownership interest in any shipments that the Users request to be delivered through the Services. 

  • Users shall verify the information of the Delivery Partner and vehicle and use the User’s own discretion to decide whether or not to accept the services of the Delivery Partner before the shipment. Users shall be deemed to have accepted all information (including but not limited to the information of the Delivery Partner and vehicle) relating to the shipment provided by the Delivery Partner. Whether or not such information is identical with the User’s order information. After the shipment, User shall not hold Lalamove liable for any inconsistency between any information in the shipment and the order information. 

  • Users shall give to the Delivery Partners sufficient, accurate and executable instructions or orders. Any extra costs arising from the difference between the Users’ provided information and the actual situation or facts involved shall be borne by the User. Any amendment or change to a User’s instructions or orders (and any pricing or cost changes triggered by such amendment or change) must be approved and updated in the Application unless otherwise permitted by Lalamove. 

  • Users warrant that they have complied with all laws and regulations relating to the nature, condition, packaging, handling, storage and carriage of the goods and materials comprising shipments. Users shall not dispatch (and Delivery Partners are entitled to refuse transport of) any articles that are prohibited by law, dangerous or hazardous materials, perishable substances, and radioactive material. Users are liable for any loss or damages (including physical damages, lost revenues, personal injuries, financial damages or losses, or any other loss or damage) suffered by any third party as a result of a User’s breach of these Terms. 

  • Users shall ensure that any alcohol and/or tobacco products to be delivered are obtained from lawful means.

  • Delivery Partners will not open and inspect shipments nor be responsible for the transportation of additional goods without prior agreement with the Users. Users agree that Delivery Partners shall be responsible for any loss or damage to shipments resulting from the delivery except when such loss or damage arise from willful misconduct or negligence of the Users.

  • Users shall ensure that shipments are adequately packed to protect against damage in the course of transportation, and also that no part of any shipments can be removed without the case, wrapper or container being torn or broken, a seal being broken or two adhesive surfaces being forced apart.

  • Users shall ensure that shipments are properly packaged so as to protect against damage to the shipments during the course of transportation, and in particular, in the case of a shipment of a fragile nature or is susceptible to damage by bending, that shipment shall be packaged in a case or container of sufficient durability and strength and shall be encased in or surrounded by sufficient and suitable protective material inside that case or container to prevent the shipment from being bent, such that the shipment is guarded against damage that may result from any force, pressure or blows to which transportation items are ordinarily subject during the course of transportation and that such fragile shipments shall bear specific words indicating its contains fragile items displayed on the face of the case or container and above the address of the named addressee.

  • Lalamove shall not be responsible for providing a protective service for the transportation of perishable commodities or commodities requiring protection from heat or cold. Any additional protective service (if available) is provided solely and directly by the Delivery Partner. Such commodities will be accepted for transportation solely at the User’s risk for any damages arising from the transportation. 

  • Users shall provide in respect of each shipment all necessary information. In the event that the recipient is found to be absent from the address specified by the User, no other person is present to take the shipment, and no other instructions have been provided by the User, the Delivery Partner will contact the User (at the number provided by User) and attempt to return the shipment back to the User. In the event the Delivery Partner cannot reach the User at the number provided by User, the Delivery Partner may attempt to redeliver the shipment to the recipient. You agree that the unclaimed items which the recipient or User cannot be contacted will be delivered to Lalamove’s local office. If the items remain unclaimed 14 calendar days after receipt of the items, Lalamove can proceed with the unclaimed items at its discretion. Any fees for additional handling and further shipment transportation will be borne by the User. Should a re-transportation of items be needed, a new transportation order will be placed and billed.  

  • When Users request proof of delivery, you shall take such photos of items being delivered or obtain E-Signature of the recipient.


  • The Delivery Partner will help for loading, unloading, moving, hauling or lifting the User’s shipment for free for a period indicated through Lalamove Applications and will charge the User according to the Helper Service Terms after the free period (“Helper Service”). By requesting Helper Service, Users warrant that they have read, understood, accepted and shall comply with all the policies published by Lalamove and Applicable Law and regulations with respect to such requirements, including Helper Service Terms. Additional fee will be applied for Helper service, related cost is based on the Delivery Partner’s sole discretion. Please find the Helper Service Terms Here. 

  • Users agree that delivery estimate time is just for providing reference and it does not stipulate obligation to deliver items on or before the time.

  • Users agree that no further charges shall be imposed if the shipments are delivered after the estimated arrival time.

  • Users understand and agree that Lalamove does not have the absolute discretion to settle any disputes between Users and Delivery Partners but may submit complaints to Lalamove.

Lalamove reserves the right to terminate the Account, Services and use of Application in the event of non-compliance with any of the above requirements. Lalamove reserves the right to modify, terminate or suspend the Services to you at any time, without prior notice, due to any changes in our internal policy or the Applicable Law or any breach of these Terms by you, or for any necessary reason at Lalamove’s sole discretion. 



By creating an Account, you electronically agree to accept and receive communications from Lalamove including via email, text message, calls, and push notifications to the mobile device or cellphone number you provide to Lalamove. You understand and agree that you may receive communications generated by automatic telephone dialing systems and/or which will deliver prerecorded messages sent by or on behalf of Lalamove, its affiliated companies and/or third party contractors, including but not limited to communications concerning orders placed through your registration with respect to the Services. You may opt-out by changing your notification preferences. Please note that opting out may impact your use of the Services. 


Promotional Offers and Credits

Lalamove, at its sole discretion, may make promotional offers with different features and different rates to any User. These promotional offers are subject to these Terms and may be valid only for certain Users as indicated in the offer. 


You agree that promotional offers: 

  • may only be used by the intended audience, for the intended purpose, and in a lawful manner; 
  • may not be duplicated, sold or transferred in any manner, or made available to the general public, unless expressly permitted by Lalamove; 
  • are subject to the specific terms that Lalamove establishes for such promotional offer; 
  • cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent; and
  • are not valid for use after the date indicated in the promotional offer. 


Lalamove reserves the right to withhold or deduct credits or benefits obtained through a promotional offer in the event that Lalamove determines or believes that the redemption of the promotion or receipt of the credit or benefit was in error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of the applicable promotion terms or these Terms. Lalamove reserves the right to modify or cancel an offer at any time for any reason without liability to Lalamove. Lalamove may also offer gratuitous credits to Users, which can be used for the Services. Any credit issued by Lalamove is subject to the specific terms that Lalamove establishes and may not be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent. Upon expiration, credits will be removed from your Account. Expired credits are no longer redeemable. 


Other Third Party Interactions 

While using or accessing the Platform, you may enter into correspondence with, purchase goods and/or services from, or participate in promotions of third party service providers, advertisers or sponsors showing their goods and/or services through the Platform. Any such activity, terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such activity, are solely between you and the applicable third-party. Lalamove and its licensors shall have no liability, obligation or responsibility for any such correspondence, purchase, transaction or promotion between you and any such third-party. Lalamove has no responsibility or liability arising from any agreements between you and such third party providers. 


4. Payments on the Services

Except in relation to Corporate Account User, use of the Platform is free of cost, but Lalamove reserves the right to introduce a fee for the use of the Platform. You will be notified if we introduce such as fee and accordingly you can decide to continue or terminate your Account.


While using the Services you understand and agree that: 

  • Lalamove shall charge you any applicable tolls, taxes and any other fees that may be due for a particular use of the Service (“Charges”) for the transportation services and other services provided to you by the Delivery Partner. Payment of the Charges in such manner shall be considered the same as Charges  made directly by you to the Delivery Partner and such Charges may fluctuate from time to time subject to supply and demand and any other factors; 

  • the Charges is due upon the order is placed and will be deducted from your Lalamove Wallet or preferred payment method designated in your Account;

  • the Charges paid are non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Lalamove on a case-by-case basis;

  • Charges quoted are in Japanese Yen and applicable taxes where required by law; 

  • any priority fee or add-on fee is voluntary, however once you select to pay those fees, they will be added into the Charges and you are obliged to pay them; 

  • You may voluntarily pay any priority fee or add-on fee for faster matching with Delivery Partners , however once you select to pay those fees, they will be added into the Charges and you are obliged to pay them;

  • Lalamove reserves all right to adjust the charges based on actual circumstances; 

  • any application/request for service is subjected to availability of resources. In the event any application submitted is not processed, Lalamove shall inform the User by email, text message, calls, or push notifications to the mobile device or cellphone number you provide to Lalamove; 

  • Lalamove reserves its full discretion to determine whether to refund to the User the equivalent sum of amount paid in the event Lalamove for any reason is unable to process the application/request; 

  • You may elect to cancel your request for services from the Delivery Partner at any time prior to the arrival of Delivery Partner, in which case you may be charged a cancellation fee without prior notice;

  • Digital receipt is issued to the User when the payment for top-up or Charges is successful. Negative balance in Lalamove Wallet may lead to the unavailability of the Services.

You can choose to pay for the Charges by the following methods:

  • Cash Payment: 

Cash payment towards the Charges shall be borne by you. 

  • Electronic Payment Gateways: 

You may settle the Charges through third-party Electronic Payment Gateways. The process of the payment is subject to the confirmation from the third party payment processor (“Payment Processor”). Lalamove is not responsible for any errors on the Payment Processor’s end. Lalamove shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use of your Electronic Payment Gateways during or after availing the Services. 

  • Lalamove Wallet

Lalamove offers you the facility to make top-up and purchase credits through Lalamove Wallet. This facility is only allowed for IN-APP service requests. 

Lalamove has the absolute right to revise the prices of any credit packages or credit amount/limits where applicable without giving prior notice.

All credits are pre-paid and are not exchangeable, returnable nor refundable once sold unless required by the Applicable Law or otherwise determined by Lalamove at its own discretion.

All credits are valid until the end of the 5th month following the month of issuance ("Validity Period"). In the event that any credit topped-up, purchased or earned is not used within the Validity Period, they will expire and Lalamove will not offer any refund for any credit expired. In no event will the Validity Period exceed six months. For credits topped-up at different times, the credits with the shortest Validity Period will be used first. 

You may top up your Lalamove Wallet through the following means:

  • Electronic Payment Gateways

You may top-up and purchase credit through Lalamove Wallet powered by a Payment Processor. The processing of the credit of the balance in your Lalamove Wallet is subject to the confirmation from the Payment Processor. Lalamove is not responsible for any errors on the Payment Processor’s end. Lalamove shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use of your E-Wallet payment instruments during or after your top up of your Lalamove Wallet.

  • Credit Card: 

Lalamove offers you the facility to make payments through a credit card enabled by Payment Gateways (“PGs”) or Payment Processors provided by any of Lalamove’s affiliates or partners or unrelated third parties. You agree and undertake to share relevant payment details including credit/debit card details (“Card Details”) with the PGs and the Payment Processors for the successful completion of payment towards total transaction amount to Lalamove and authorize the PGs and the Payment Processors to complete such transactions. In this respect, it is clarified that all PGs and the Payment Processors whose services are utilized for the purposes of the Services shall be PCI-DSS (“Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard”) compliant. Your authorization will remain in effect as long as you maintain an Account in the Platform. In the event you delete your Card Details with the PG or the Payment Processors or if you delete your Account, the PGs or the Payment Processors will not process any further transactions initiated by you. Your authorization under this clause is subject to any other terms and conditions of the PGs and the Payment Processors. Lalamove shall not be responsible for any issue from payments via credit/debit cards. 


Any payment related issue, except when such issue is due to an error or fault of Lalamove, shall be resolved between you and the PGs or Payment Processors. The processing of the credit or payment, as applicable, are subjected to all applicable terms and conditions, privacy policies and other terms of applicable PGs or Payment Processors and your credit/debit card scheme in addition to these Terms. Lalamove cannot be held responsible for any errors or faults resulted from the Payment Processors.


5. Intellectual Property Ownership

Lalamove alone (and its licensors, where applicable) shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Platform and the Services. These Terms do not constitute a sale and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Platform and the Services, or any intellectual property rights owned by Lalamove. Company names, logos, and the product names associated with the Platform and the Services are trademarks and/or intellectual property of Lalamove or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them. You agree that you will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Platform and the Services. 


By providing content, information or materials (“User Content”) to Lalamove, you grant Lalamove a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, transferrable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, modify, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit in any manner such User Content in all formats and distribution channels now known or hereafter devised, without further notice to or consent from you, and without the requirement of payment to you or any other person or entity. 


You acknowledge that Lalamove only acts as a passive channel for the distribution of the User Content and is not responsible or liable to you or to any third party for the content or accuracy of the User Content. Lalamove shall not be continuously monitoring User Content published by you or moderating between Users, nor shall Lalamove be under an obligation to do so. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that any remarks, opinions, comments, suggestions and other information expressed or included in the User Content do not necessarily represent those of Lalamove. 


Any use by you of the User Content is entirely at your own risk. You represent and warrant that any User Content posted or transmitted by you is original to you and does not copy the work of any third party or otherwise infringe any third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personality rights and does not contain any defamatory or disparaging statements. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you have the capacity to grant the license as stipulated in this paragraph. 


You agree to indemnify and keep Lalamove, its affiliates and licensors indemnified against all costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities incurred or suffered by Lalamove or its affiliated companies related to any User Content posted or transmitted by you or your other use of the website, the Service or the Application. 


Lalamove reserves the right at its sole discretion to block or remove (in whole or in part) any User Content posted or transmitted by you and which Lalamove believes is not in accordance with these Terms (including materials which infringe or may infringe third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personality rights), or is otherwise unacceptable to us. 


Lalamove respects your rights to your ideas, please do not submit any confidential ideas, information, or suggestions in any form to Lalamove or any of its affiliates. For any ideas, information, or suggestions you do submit, regardless of what your communication regarding your submissions says, you understand that your submissions are voluntary and the following terms shall apply to your submissions: (i) your submissions and their contents will automatically become the property of Lalamove, without any compensation to you; (ii) Lalamove has no obligation to review your submissions; (iii) Lalamove may implement and distribute any portion of your submissions and their contents for any purpose in any way, without any compensation to you; and (iv) Lalamove has no obligation to keep your submissions confidential. 


You may use information on the Platform purposely made available by Lalamove for downloading from the Platform, provided that you: 

  • do not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents and make no modifications to the information; 

  • use such information only for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose and do not copy or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast it in any media; and

  • do not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such information. 

These Terms do not constitute a sale and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the website, the Application or the Service, or any intellectual property rights owned by Lalamove. 


6. Disclaimers

The Services are provided “as is” and “as available.” Lalamove makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, or availability of the Services or any services requested through the use of the Services, or that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. 


Lalamove does not guarantee the quality, suitability, safety or ability of third party providers. You agree that the entire risk arising out of your use of the Services, and any service or good requested in connection therewith, remains solely with you, to the maximum extent permitted under Applicable Law. 


Lalamove does not control, manage or direct any third party providers including Delivery Partner. Third party providers are not actual agents, apparent agents, ostensible agents, or employees of Lalamove. 


Lalamove does not control, endorse or take responsibility for any User Content or third party content available on or linked to by the Services. Lalamove cannot and does not represent or warrant that the services or servers are free of viruses or other harmful components. 

7. Limitation of Liability

Except in relation to the Corporate Account User, Lalamove is not responsible and shall not be held liable for:

  • damage/defect/change of item/property from its original state due to substandard packaging;

  • item/property already damaged/defected/changed before the start of the transportation; 

  • quality of the Services as it is entirely dependent on the Delivery Partner, who is ultimately providing you the transportation and/or logistics services; 

  • any booking that is not accepted; 

  • any damages resulting from the use of or inability to use the Services, including damages caused by wrong usage of the Services, error in call centre number, network issues, malware, viruses or any incorrectness or incompleteness;

  • appropriateness of mobile or email or any other communication medium. You shall be responsible for immediately reporting the errors, if any, occurred in the information sent to you regarding booking confirmation;

  • any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages or for any damages whatsoever including profit and loss, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if Lalamove has been advised of the possibility; and

  • any lost items during the Services and delay of delivery, Lalamove will try to locate the items on a “best-effort” basis but is not responsible for any loss or damages of such items and delay of delivery.

Except in relation to the Corporate Account User, without limiting the foregoing, to the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Law, in no event will Lalamove aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Terms or the Services rendered hereunder, whether in contract, tort (including negligence, product liability, or other theory), warranty, or otherwise, exceed the amount of three times the Charges of the order or JPY 30,000 (whichever is less).


8. Indemnity

By accepting these Terms and using the Service, you agree that you shall defend, indemnify and hold Lalamove, its affiliates, its licensors, and each of their officers, directors, other users, employees, attorneys and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with:

  • your violation or breach of any term of these Terms or any Applicable Law or regulation, whether or not referenced herein;

  • your violation of any rights of any third party, including Delivery Partner arranged via the Platform; or

  • your use or misuse of the Service.

9. Governing Law

Except as otherwise set forth in these Terms, these Terms shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (“JCAA”). The place of the arbitration shall be Tokyo, Japan. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English, and the number of the arbitrators shall be three, all of whom shall be fluent in English and at least one of whom shall be fluent in Japanese. Lalamove and the Delivery Partner shall each appoint one arbitrator within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice of arbitration from the other party. The third arbitrator shall be appointed within fifteen days of the appointment of the second arbitrator by the arbitrators appointed by Lalamove and the Delivery Partner and shall serve as the chairman of the panel. If the appointment of the third arbitrator fails, Lalamove and the Delivery Partner may apply to JCAA for appointment of any missing arbitrator.

10. General

These Terms, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Lalamove without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation hereof shall be null and void. These Terms binds and inures to the benefit of each party and the party’s successors and permitted assigns.


If any provision of these Terms is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, under any law, such provision or part thereof shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of these Terms but the legality, validity and enforceability of the other provisions in these Terms shall not be affected. In that event, the parties shall replace the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof with a provision or part thereof that is legal, valid and enforceable and that has, to the greatest extent possible, a similar effect as the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof, given the contents and purpose of these Terms. 

Delivery partner’s own transportation contract (運送約款) including terms and conditions of service or tariff will not apply to our Service.


11. Language Versions

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any regional language version, the English version prevails. 


Corporate Account User Specific Provisions 

In addition to the Terms, this section applies to you (“Company”) and your authorized personnel upon your completion of sign-up of Corporate Account at https://web.lalamove.com/register/business.


Corporate Account User 

You acknowledge and understand that your authorized personnel (“Authorized User”) must (i) download and install the Application on a compatible device, (ii) register for and maintain an active personal Account (“Active Account“) until the Corporate Account is terminated. 


You shall provide Lalamove with (i) such Active Account holder’s name, (ii) the Active Account holder’s company email address on the top level domain of yours (e.g., name@companydomain.com), and (iii) other identifying information about the Active Account holder as reasonably requested by Lalamove. Lalamove will identify the Active Account and link such Active Account with your Corporate Account. The Authorized User will be able to access to Corporate Account features upon the satisfaction of the above steps (“Corporate Account User”).


You will be responsible for any acts or activities of the Corporate Account User. The Corporate Account User shall be entitled to access to (i) Corporate Order Record, (ii) Corporate Wallet, (iii) Corporate Favorite Drivers, (iv) Corporate Statements. You agree to pay all charges incurred under Corporate Order Record, as well as any applicable fees incurred by Corporate Account Users.


Account Administration

Lalamove’s primary contact with you shall be by way of your appointed administrator set forth in the sign-up page (“Company Admin(s)”). The Corporate Account’s page may enable you to (a) view a current list of all Authorized Users who have been invited and Corporate Account User who have been linked, (b) provide additional Data to invite additional Authorized Users, (c) revoke any Corporate Account User’s access (d) view relevant order information and review balance activity using Portal Data, (e) manage and update the Authorized Users on file, (f) view current, appoint new, and remove Company Admins. You agree to use Portal Data solely for legitimate business purposes including, but not limited to, business expense processing, accounting, and budgeting purposes. Lalamove reserves the right to add, remove and update features and functionality of the Corporate Account at any time without any notice to you.


You agree to (a) maintain all Portal login credentials in confidence, (b) only permit the Company Admin to access the Portal, and (c) update all information of the Company Admins to ensure that it is current, accurate, and complete. You shall be responsible for all activities that occur under your Portal login credentials including keeping and maintaining an accurate list of Authorised Users and current Corporate Account User. 


Charges and Corporate Wallet 


Lalamove reserves the right to charge a premium for Corporate Account. 


Lalamove Corporate Wallet 

In the Corporate Account, Lalamove offers you the facility to make top-up and purchase credits through Lalamove Wallet. This facility is only allowed for IN-APP service requests.

Lalamove has the absolute right to revise the prices of any credit packages or credit amount/limits where applicable without giving prior notice.


All credits are pre-paid and are not exchangeable to Personal Account Wallet, returnable nor refundable once sold unless required by the Applicable Law or otherwise determined by Lalamove at its own discretion.


You agree that Company is responsible for all charges incurred under the Corporate Account or by Corporate Account User regardless of whether such charge is authorized by Company.


API Access

Lalamove provides service via API integration, you can refer to detail Lalamove API Terms & Conditions



You further represent and warrant that: (a) you have all rights and permissions necessary to provide Lalamove with the Data and any other information provided to Lalamove hereunder in connection with the Service; (b) you have obtained consent from the Authorised Users to provide Lalamove with any personal data in connection with the Service, (c) you have notified, and obtained consent from Authorised Users that Lalamove will provide them with detailed order information for the Services or other bookings charged to your Corporate User Account.


Protection Promises

Loss, theft, damage or destruction of Shipments of orders placed by selected Users are subject to the protection promises made available by Lalamove in accordance with the Goods Protection Promises. Lalamove reserves the right to select Users covered by the Goods Protections Promises.



Delivery Partner Terms of Use

Latest Modified: 24 October 2024

This Lalamove Delivery Partner Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) governs the access or use by you (the “Delivery Partner”) of the information service platform (“Platform”) through our mobile applications, website applications (together “Applications”) or websites to receive services made available by Lalamove Japan Limited , a company incorporated in Japan with its registered office at 11/F., Tokyo Club Building, 3-2-6 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (“Lalamove”). 

Please make sure to carefully read through these Terms of Use whether stated or otherwise referenced herein before accessing or using the Platform. This Terms of Use is a binding legal agreement setting forth the rights and obligations between Lalamove and you, the Delivery Partner.

By accessing or using the Platform, you hereby expressly affirm that:

  • you have read and understand these Terms of Use;

  • you will comply with these Terms of Use;

  • you are at least the age of legal majority in your place of residence and otherwise legally competent to enter into contracts; and

  • you have the authority to enter into these Terms of Use personally and, if applicable, on behalf of any organization on whose behalf you have enrolled for use of the Platform and to bind such organization to these Terms of Use.


In these Terms of Use, “Applicable Law” means applicable Japanese laws, rules, and regulations governing payments and all services provided hereunder, including: any and all foreign laws, treaties, rules, regulations, regulatory guidance, directives, policies, orders or determinations of (or agreements with), and mandatory written direction from (or agreements with) any regulatory authority, as each of the foregoing may be amended and in effect from time to time.

Lalamove reserves the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the Terms of Use and, in some cases, we will provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our homepage or sending you an email notification). We encourage you to review these Terms of Use periodically to stay informed about our practices. Whenever we make changes to these Terms of Use, they are effective when the revised Terms of Use are posted unless we notify you otherwise. If you continue to use the Platform after the revised Terms of Use have been posted, then you will be deemed to have accepted the changes to these Terms of Use.

1. Our Services

The services provided by Lalamove (“Services”) are meant to connect the demanders of transportation and/or logistic services (including but not limited to small businesses, commercial customers and individual customers, collectively “Users”) and Delivery Partners who provide transportation and/or logistic services (“Shipment Delivery”) through the Platform and under the specific business terms and conditions showed in Lalamove Application. You acknowledge and agree that Lalamove only provides you and Users with neutral, independent third-party information matching services. You acknowledge and agree that Lalamove does not conduct a consigned freight forwarding business. The Shipment Delivery provided by Delivery Partners shall not be deemed to be provided by Lalamove. Lalamove is not responsible for the acts and/or omissions of any Delivery Partners, and any liability in relation to the Shipment Delivery shall be borne by Delivery Partners.
You acknowledge and agree your own transportation contract (運送約款) including terms and conditions of service or tariff will not apply to Service.

You affirm that your relationship with Lalamove is independent, not employer and employee relationship. Additionally, no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Delivery Partners and Lalamove as a result of this Terms of Use or use of the Platform. Even if a Delivery Partner chooses on their own to wear a uniform or use Lalamove signage, sticker or identification badge, Delivery Partner agrees that such a decision is of its own accord, is not required by Lalamove and Delivery Partner acknowledges that use of any signage, sticker or identification badge does not lead to an inference of being an employee.

2. Use of the Software

While using the software provided by Lalamove (“Software”) you agree that:

  • you are not permitted to rent, lease, sublicense, distribute or transfer copies of the Software or the license for the use of the Software to any third parties;

  • you shall not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Platform or any network connected to the Platform nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Platform or any network connected to the Platform;

  • you shall not modify, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, translate the Software or create derivative works based on the Software;

  • you shall not interrupt the normal operation of the Software, or use any methods to export or modify the source code of the Software;

  • you shall not upload or send out any kinds of computer viruses, worms, trojans, or malicious codes;

  • you shall not install and/or execute the Software on any device other than the mobile device running the operating systems approved by Lalamove; and

  • other than the license to use the Software granted hereof, no other license or right is hereby granted to you and the ownership of the Software and all other rights are hereby expressly reserved by Lalamove and its suppliers.

3. Delivery Partner Account

In order for you to use the Services, you are required to register for a delivery partner account (“Delivery Partner Account”) with Lalamove. Once your registration is successfully completed with Lalamove, you will be provided with a Delivery Partner Account, accessible with a password of your choice. 

While registration, you are obligated to provide your personal information, such as your name, photo, contact information directly or indirectly in accordance with Lalamove’s and you are obligated to provide vehicle and license related information. You agree that the details entered and maintained by you are accurate, complete and valid. Lalamove is not liable for false, incomplete, old or incorrect registration information provided by you. Your failure to enter or maintain accurate, complete, and valid information may result in your inability to access and use the Services. You are solely responsible for all activity that occurs under your Delivery Partner Account. Lalamove is entitled to verify the information that you have provided at all times and refuse the use of the Services without providing reasons and prior notice. 

You are responsible for acquiring and updating compatible hardware or devices necessary to access and use the Services. Lalamove does not guarantee that the Services, or any portion thereof, will function on any particular hardware or devices. Lalamove reserves the right to terminate the use of the Services should you be using the Service in an incompatible or unauthorised device or that the security of your Delivery Partner Account has been compromised in any way or for any reason we may find just. 

While using the Services you agree that: 

  • you shall only access the Services using means explicitly authorized by Lalamove;

  • the Platform and Services provided will solely be used by you, for your personal use and will not be resold to any third party;

  • you will not authorise others to use your Delivery Partner Account;

  • you are only allowed to open a single Delivery Partner Account;

  • transferring of your Delivery Partner Account to any other person or legal entity is not permitted;

  • you cannot use an account that is subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorisation;

  • the Services cannot be used for unlawful purposes, including but not limited to (i) violation of Applicable Law; (ii) storing or sending any unlawful material; (iii) sharing of sensitive personal information of others, without their consent (iv) causing intentional harm, nuisance, inconvenience or annoyance; (v) impairing or harming the proper operation of the Services; (vi) exhibiting the tenor of impersonating another person; or (vii) copying or distributing the Services without the permission of Lalamove;

  • your password or any identification credentials that Lalamove provides to you should be secure and confidential;

  • proof of identity or other documentations needs to be submitted immediately if requested by Lalamove;

  • compliance with all the Applicable Law is a must while using the Services;

  • you shall not use any "deep-link", "page-scrape", "robot", "spider" or other automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Platform or any content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Platform or any content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Platform. Lalamove reserves the right to bar any such activity;

  • you shall not attempt to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Platform;

  • you shall not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Platform; and

  • you shall not engage in threatening, harassing, discriminatory (based on race, gender, age, disability, or any other protected classification) or any other behaviour that Lalamove deems inappropriate when using the Services.

4. Delivery Partner Warranties and Representations

You, as the Delivery Partner, hereby irrevocably makes the following warranties and representations:

  • After obtaining the information of Users and shipments, Delivery Partner shall verify such information by itself. Delivery Partner shall make the decision whether to accept and provide the Shipment Delivery at its own discretion after properly verifying the information obtained;

  • In the event that an order is cancelled before picking up, you shall not charge the User any cancellation fee;

  • Delivery Partner understands and agrees that it is responsible for complying with all delivery schedules established between it and User. Delivery Partner shall make all reasonable efforts to deliver the shipment according to the respective delivery schedules established with User;

  • You shall be solely responsible for any and all claims, judgments and liabilities resulting from any accident, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injuries, death, total loss and property damage which is due to or is alleged to be a result of the Shipment Delivery provided by you;

  • You shall be responsible for the contents of all shipments and all damage or loss to shipments upon taking delivery. Delivery Partner shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to the shipment and shall also take all reasonable precautions against loss of or damage to the shipment;

  • You shall, at all times while you are providing Shipment Delivery, hold a valid driver’s licence and all other required licences, permits, registrations, approvals and/or authorities required to provide Shipment Delivery within the jurisdiction in which you have been registered by Lalamove to provide Shipment Delivery. In order for Lalamove to comply with any obligations applicable to it, you will, upon request by Lalamove, provide copies in the form required by us of all required licences, permits, registrations, approvals and/or authorities as requested from time to time;

  • Aside from the Platform, you shall be responsible for providing all of the equipment necessary to perform the Shipment Delivery. You shall hold title or otherwise has sufficient rights in the equipment you will use to provide Shipment Delivery. Delivery Partner is solely responsible for maintaining all such equipment and ensuring such equipment complies with all legal, safety and quality standards. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Laws, Delivery Partner assumes all risk of damage or loss to its equipment;

  • With the exception of walker service, you shall not use a vehicle other than your registered vehicle to provide Shipment Delivery to Users which must at all times meet all applicable vehicle standards as updated from time to time, including possessing the relevant roadworthiness certification in your jurisdiction. You shall use vehicles in good operating condition and compliant with all Applicable Laws. You shall keep records of all vehicle registrations and inspections and shall provide the latest version of such records upon request;

  • When Users request proof of delivery, you shall take such photos of items being delivered or obtain E-Signature of the recipient.

  • You agree that the default delivery method shall be in-hand but you shall follow User’s instructions to conduct delivery service. If the shipment cannot be delivered, you shall use your reasonable efforts to contact the User or Lalamove for further instruction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any shipment fails to be delivered shall be returned to the sender or location designated by Lalamove. Users shall bear any charges related to re-delivery for the shipment to be re-delivered.

  • You shall at all times comply, at your expense, with your legal obligations in respect of insurance (including but not limited to compulsory third party motor vehicle insurance for any vehicle used to provide Shipment Delivery (if applicable)) and maintain, at your expense, such other policies as someone providing Shipment Delivery would prudently maintain as well as any other minimum insurance cover which Lalamove requests you hold including but not limited to a valid third party motor vehicle insurance policy with provisions to cover commercial usage of the vehicle, and a general liability insurance policy at levels which satisfy:

    the minimum requirements that apply to the operation of goods delivery vehicles on public roads in the jurisdiction in which you are registered to provide Shipment Delivery;

    the provision of Shipment Delivery and any other services contemplated by these Terms of Use; and

    any other minimum standards imposed by Lalamove (as notified by Lalamove from time to time).

    In order for Lalamove to confirm your ongoing compliance with these requirements, you will, upon request by Lalamove, provide copies of any relevant insurance policies and insurance certificates of currency and or other equivalent proof of insurance. If, at any time, you cease to hold a required insurance policy, you must immediately notify Lalamove of this change in your circumstances and cease providing Shipment Delivery;

  • You shall obey all Applicable Laws related to Shipment Delivery and will be solely responsible for any violations of such Applicable Laws. You shall not accept any requests where the nature of delivery is solely the movement of passengers, cash and correspondent(信書) under Postal Act, inflammable, explosive, dangerous or hazardous materials, perishable substances, radioactive material, and valuable items including previous metal and artworks;

  • During the course of your work, you shall follow and comply with the following guidelines (“Lalamove Delivery Guidelines”):

    Delivery Partners shall have sole responsibility to familiarize themselves with Lalamove Delivery Guidelines as amended from time to time. Unless otherwise set out in the Lalamove Delivery Guidelines and this Terms of Use, any conducts against Lalamove Delivery Guidelines will constitute a breach of this Terms of Use, giving Lalamove the right to temporarily lock or permanently deactivate your Delivery Partner Account. 

  • Delivery Partner acknowledges that during the course of its work, it may gain knowledge of third parties’ and/or User’s confidential, proprietary, trade secret, protected health, and/or personally identifiable information (“Confidential Information”).  This information includes, but is not limited to, information about User, User’s business and the contents of shipments, User’s address, User’s contact information, delivery address, payment information, payment methods, credit card information, financial accounts, demographic information, business address, information regarding User’s partners, associates, customers, and similar information regarding the delivery recipient. Delivery Partner agrees that it will maintain the confidentiality of all such Confidential Information and not disclose it to any other person, except as required to carry out Shipment Delivery or as required by law. Unauthorized disclosure of such Confidential Information will constitute a material breach of this Terms of Use, giving Lalamove the right to temporarily lock or permanently deactivate your Delivery Partner Account.

You hereby represent and warrant that the you do not fall under any of the following items (collectively, “Organized Crime Group, Etc.”) and covenants that it will not fall under the same in the future:
(a)  An organized crime group;
(b)  A member of an organized crime group;
(c)  A quasi-member of an organized crime group;
(d)  A related company or association of an organized crime group;
(e)  A corporate racketeer (sokaiya), a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns etc. (shakai-undo to hyoubo goro) or a crime group specialized in intellectual crimes (tokushu chino boryoku shudan) , etc.; or
(f)   Anyone equivalent to any of the foregoing items. If Delivery Partner fails to comply with any of the above warranties and representations, Lalamove shall have the right to immediately temporarily lock or permanently deactivate your Delivery Partner Account. Delivery Partner shall bear all damages or losses arising therefrom. Delivery Partner shall also compensate for all losses suffered by Lalamove, its affiliates, its partners and/or any other third party due to Delivery Partner's failure to comply with the above warranties and representations.

In case you fall under any of the Organized Crime Group, Etc., or it is in breach of the above, Lalamove can terminate or suspend unperformed obligations and will not be liable for compensation of any damages due to such termination.

5. Payment

Delivery Partner acknowledges that Users – not Lalamove - are responsible for paying all charges and fees associated with the shipment. Once the User and the Delivery Partner have verified that the shipments are completed, the User’s payment account will be charged. Lalamove reserves the right to change its prices charged at any time, at its discretion.  Delivery Partner acknowledges and agrees that any payment received by Lalamove is due to the information service provided by the Platform.

Lalamove reserves the right to change its prices charged at any time, at its discretion.  Delivery Partner acknowledges and agrees that any payment received by Lalamove is due to the information service provided by the Platform.

Lalamove retains the right to suspend the processing of any transaction where it reasonably believes that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you and/or the User have breached any of the terms in this Terms of Use. In such an event, you shall not hold Lalamove liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.

Lalamove shall administer payments to you and from you through a wallet system. Your Delivery Partner wallet balance can be withdrawn by you to your designated bank account. Lalamove reserves the right to make relevant deductions from your wallet balance based on our Terms of Use, Lalamove Delivery Guidelines, as authorised by you or as notified to you via our Platform. Even if you do not instruct, Lalamove will mandatorily pay the balance of the Wallet System to you every 60 days. However, Lalamove will not pay it in the case you do not provide accurate bank account information within 60 days or Lalamove is not able to pay this mandatory payment every 60 days.

All credits are valid until the end of the 5th month following the month of issuance ("Validity Period"). In the event that any credit topped-up, purchased or earned is not used within the Validity Period, they will expire and Lalamove will not offer any refund for any credit expired. In no event will the Validity Period exceed six months. For credits topped-up at different times, the credits with the shortest Validity Period will be used first.

As a Delivery Partner, depending on the services requested by our Users, you may be eligible to receive a combination of the fees stated below:


  • Base fares - This consists of the distance fare incurred during Shipment Delivery.

  • Order subsidies - This consists of the subsidies paid by Lalamove and is included as part of the basic fare, subsidies not limited to peak demand subsidies.

  • Lala Coupon - This consists of the amount of promotion applied to a particular order.  Promotions are typically given to Users and subsidised by Lalamove.

Fees and other charges

  • Priority Fee - This relates to the additional fees a User has committed to pay prior to the Shipment Delivery with an objective to encourage speedy fulfilment.

  • Waiting Fee - This relates to the additional fees imposed to a particular order where Deliver Partners were requested by User to wait for goods receival or goods deliveries.

  • High demand surcharge - This relates to the additional fees imposed to a particular order to encourage Shipment Delivery under super peak hours.  Lalamove retains the discretion to define super peak hours based on operational needs.

  • Toll fees - This refers to the tunnel and toll charges you have incurred during Shipment Delivery.  This shall be claimed on an actual cost basis and shall be mutually agreed on with the User.

  • Order charges - This relates to other fees and surcharges in relation to the value-added services requested by the User.  This category includes items, but not limited to, moving fees, purchase service surcharges etc.

Lalamove initiatives

  • Sticker retainers - This relates to the amount Lalamove pays you in return of you agreeing to affix our branded stickers onto your vehicle. Sticker dimensions, design and position on vehicle is to be determined by Lalamove.  You further agree that you will co-operate with Lalamove's sticker retention check when requested.  Failure to comply may lead to sticker retainers being forfeited.

  • Driver-refer-user campaign - This is a campaign where you will receive monetary rewards after successful referrals of first-time users into the Lalamove platform.  You will be issued a unique promotion code if you opt into this campaign, where you will be encouraged to distribute this code to 3rd parties.  In the event where there was an eligible event triggered by your unique promotional code, you will be rewarded as per the rates defined by Lalamove.


6. Tax

Delivery Partners agree to comply with relevant laws and regulations in filing a tax return and fulfilling any tax obligations, including declaring delivery earnings from delivery requests completed on Lalamove Platform.

Lalamove is not responsible for reporting or paying any tax associated with Delivery Partners’ earning producing activities and does not provide tax advice. Delivery Partners shall consult tax accountants for any individual tax situations, including whether you are a Japanese consumption taxpayer and the related registrations and procedures for issuance of qualified invoices for Japan consumption tax with the National Tax Agency.

7. Communication

By creating a Delivery Partner Account, you electronically agree to accept and receive communications from Lalamove including via email, text message, calls, instant messaging apps and push notifications to the mobile device or cellphone number you provide to Lalamove. You agree to receive information regarding (i) the terms of the orders, (ii) the amount of the payment, (iii) the payment date, (iv) user’s information, (v) the date of the orders, and (vi) the method of settling the payment via electronic format. You understand and agree that you may receive communications generated by automatic telephone dialing systems and/or which will deliver prerecorded messages sent by or on behalf of Lalamove, its affiliated companies and/or third-party contractors, including but not limited to communications concerning orders accepted through your registration with respect to the Services. You may opt-out by changing your notification preferences. Please note that opting out may impact your use of the Services.

8. Promotions

For the mutual benefit of both Lalamove and all Delivery Partners including you, from time to time, Lalamove on your behalf may offer promotions to some or all Users that may have the effect of Users paying you a lower amount than would otherwise have been the case, and where a promotion applies, you agree to provide Shipment Delivery to the Users at the lower amount. Where a promotion applies and where applicable Lalamove will reduce the value of its fees by an amount equal to the value of the promotions.

9. Other Third Party Interactions

While using or accessing the Platform, you may enter into correspondence with, purchase goods and/or services from, or participate in promotions of third party service providers, advertisers or sponsors showing their goods and/or services through the Platform. Any such activity, and any terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such activity, is solely between you and the applicable third-party. Lalamove and its licensors shall have no liability, obligation or responsibility for any such correspondence, purchase, transaction or promotion between you and any such third-party. Lalamove has no responsibility or liability arising from any agreements between you and such third party providers.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

Lalamove alone (and its licensors, where applicable) shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Platform and the Services. These Terms of Use do not constitute a sale and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Platform and the Services, or any intellectual property rights owned by Lalamove. Company names, logos, and the product names associated with the Platform and the Services are trademarks and/or intellectual property of Lalamove or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them. You agree that you will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Platform and the Services.

By providing content, information or materials (“Delivery Partner Content”) to Lalamove, you grant Lalamove a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, transferrable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, modify, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit in any manner such Delivery Partner Content in all formats and distribution channels now known or hereafter devised, without further notice to or consent from you, and without the requirement of payment to you or any other person or entity.

You acknowledge that Lalamove only acts as a passive channel for the distribution of the Delivery Partner Content and is not responsible or liable to you or to any third party for the content or accuracy of the Delivery Partner Content. Lalamove shall not be continuously monitoring Delivery Partner Content published by you, nor shall Lalamove be under an obligation to do so. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that any remarks, opinions, comments, suggestions and other information expressed or included in the Delivery Partner Content do not necessarily represent those of Lalamove. 

Any use by you of the Delivery Partner Content is entirely at your own risk. You represent and warrant that any Delivery Partner Content posted or transmitted by you is original to you and does not copy the work of any third party or otherwise infringe any third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personality rights and does not contain any defamatory or disparaging statements. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you have the capacity to grant the license as stipulated in this paragraph. 

You agree to indemnify and keep Lalamove, its affiliates and licensors indemnified against all costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities incurred or suffered by Lalamove or its affiliated companies related to any Delivery Partner Content posted or transmitted by you or your other use of the website, the Service or the Platform. 

Lalamove reserves the right at its sole discretion to block or remove (in whole or in part) any Delivery Partner Content posted or transmitted by you and which Lalamove believes is not in accordance with these Terms of Use (including materials which infringe or may infringe third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personality rights), or is otherwise unacceptable to us. 

Lalamove respects your rights to your ideas, please do not submit any confidential ideas, information, or suggestions in any form to Lalamove or any of its affiliates. For any ideas, information, or suggestions you do submit, regardless of what your communication regarding your submissions says, you understand that your submissions are voluntary and the following terms shall apply to your submissions: (i) your submissions and their contents will automatically become the property of Lalamove, without any compensation to you; (ii) Lalamove has no obligation to review your submissions; (iii) Lalamove may implement and distribute any portion of your submissions and their contents for any purpose in any way, without any compensation to you; and (iv) Lalamove has no obligation to keep your submissions confidential. 

You may use information on the Platform purposely made available by Lalamove for downloading from the Platform, provided that you: 

  • do not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents and make no modifications to the information; 

  • use such information only for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose and do not copy or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast it in any media; and

  • do not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such information. 


11. Indemnification

Delivery Partner acknowledges that Delivery Partner is responsible for all shipments and all Shipment Delivery while transporting shipments.  Delivery Partner agrees Lalamove has no control or responsibility over shipments or Shipment Delivery and only has control or responsibility for the functioning of the Platform. Delivery Partner agrees that Lalamove will not be responsible or liable for any actions, wrongdoing, losses or damages suffered by the Delivery Partner.

Delivery Partner agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lalamove, as well as its past and present successors, assigns, affiliates, officers, owners, employees, and agents (“Lalamove Indemnitee”) from any and all losses, actual or threatened suits, actions, proceedings (at law or in equity), claims, damages, claims for payment, deficiencies, fines, judgments, settlements, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, penalties, interest, and disbursements) arising from or incurred in connection with claims asserted by a third party against a Lalamove Indemnitee arising directly or indirectly from, or as a result of or in connection with, Delivery Partner’s  (i) breach of this Terms of Use; (ii) conduct with respect to the Platform, Services, and/or Shipment Delivery; (iii) violation or alleged violation of any law or the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, other Delivery Partners, Users, drivers, employees, subcontractors, assigns, and pedestrians; (iv) disclosure of “Confidential Information”; (v) ownership, use or operation of any vehicle used in the Shipment Delivery; (vi) failure to have proper insurance, licenses, permits or authorizations; (vii) any damages or losses as a result of Delivery Partner’s work and/or conduct, and/or Delivery Partner’s work with third parties and/or Users, including, but not limited to, damages to shipments; (viii) wrongdoing, violation of policy, violation of law or other misconduct and (ix) failure or alleged failure to pay all required taxes, withholding, insurance contributions or premiums. Under Delivery Partner’s duty to defend, Lalamove shall be entitled to use its own counsel.  

Delivery Partner agrees to perform Shipment Delivery in compliance with all Applicable Laws and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lalamove for any violation or alleged violation by Delivery Partner of any such laws. Lalamove reserves the right to lock-out, suspend or terminate access to the Platform for a Delivery Partner for any violations of this Terms of Use or any other conduct deemed inappropriate by Lalamove. In the unlikely event Delivery Partner’s status as an independent contractor is challenged and Delivery Partner is determined by a court, agency or arbitrator not to be an independent contractor, Delivery Partner agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lalamove from all costs, penalties, back taxes, damages and attorney’s fees associated with such a determination. Under Delivery Partner’s duty to defend, Lalamove shall be entitled to use its own counsel.  

Delivery Partner further agrees and acknowledges that it will not and cannot hold Lalamove liable for any issues beyond Lalamove’s direct control, including any acts of god, loss of power, disruption of power, shutdown or technical difficulties with the Platform, system maintenance, failure of other cellular reception, failure of other service providers, cancelation of services by other third-parties, pandemic, epidemics, outbreaks, the COVID 19 pandemic, strikes, labor disputes, civil disturbances, hostilities, war, natural disasters, flood, fire, sabotage, accident, loss or destruction of property, intervention by governmental entities, change in laws, regulations or orders, or other events or circumstances or causes beyond Lalamove’s direct control. 

12. Disclaimers

The Services are provided "as is" and "as available." Lalamove makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, or availability of the Services or any Services requested through the use of the Services, or that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Lalamove does not guarantee the quality, suitability, safety or ability of third party providers. You agree that the entire risk arising out of your use of the Services, and any service or good requested in connection therewith, remains solely with you, to the maximum extent permitted under Applicable Law.

Lalamove does not control, manage or direct any third party providers. Third party providers are not actual agents, apparent agents, ostensible agents, or employees of Lalamove.

Lalamove does not control, endorse or take responsibility for any Delivery Partner Content or third party content available on or linked to by the Services. Lalamove cannot and does not represent or warrant that the services or servers are free of viruses or other harmful components.

13. Termination of Services

Delivery Partner may stop using the Services at any time. Termination or deletion of Delivery Partner Account by Delivery Partner shall comply with the procedure and fulfill the requirements set out in Delivery Partner Offboarding Policy. Delivery Partner shall have sole responsibility to familiarize themselves with Delivery Partner Offboarding Policy before requesting to terminate or delete its account. Please see Delivery Partner Offboarding Policy.

Lalamove also may stop providing the Services at any time, or create limits on use of the Services, whether specifically to Delivery Partner or generally. Termination will not limit any of Lalamove’s other rights or remedies. The provisions of this Terms of Use shall survive any termination of Services. Nothing in this provision provides Lalamove the right to terminate Delivery Partner’s ability to contact Users on its own and to provide Shipment Deliveries to Users, only the right to terminate Delivery Partner’s use of the Platform.


14. Severability

Any provision of this Terms of Use which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction and the application to such facts and circumstances, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or the application thereof to other facts and circumstances, and any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.  

15. No Waiver

The failure of Lalamove or Delivery Partner in any instance to insist upon a strict performance of the terms of this Terms of Use or to exercise any option herein, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such term or option and such term or option shall continue in full force and effect. 

16. Governing Law

Except as otherwise set forth in these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (“JCAA”). The place of the arbitration shall be Tokyo, Japan. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English, and the number of the arbitrators shall be three, all of whom shall be fluent in English and at least one of whom shall be fluent in Japanese. Lalamove and the Delivery Partner shall each appoint one arbitrator within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice of arbitration from the other party. The third arbitrator shall be appointed within fifteen days of the appointment of the second arbitrator by the arbitrators appointed by Lalamove and the Delivery Partner and shall serve as the chairman of the panel. If the appointment of the third arbitrator fails, Lalamove and the Delivery Partner may apply to JCAA for appointment of any missing arbitrator.

17. Successors

These Terms of Use, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Lalamove without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation hereof shall be null and void. These Terms of Use binds and inures to the benefit of each party and the party’s successors and permitted assigns. 

18. Captions

Captions appearing in this Terms of Use are for convenience only and do not in any way limit, amplify, modify or otherwise affect the terms and provisions of this Terms of Use. 

19. Language Versions 

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any regional language version, the English version prevails.

Community Guidelines

Lalamove Community Guidelines were developed to enable a great experience for users, drivers, walkers, riders, merchants and businesses of the Lalamove app, the API and Lalamove Plus (collectively referred to as “Lalamove Platform”), and for them to feel safe and respected, while ensuring service quality.


Our guidelines apply to everyone who uses the Lalamove Platform including, but not limited to, users, drivers, walkers, riders, merchants and businesses. It is also applicable for all the interactions anyone may have with the Lalamove employees and contractors, available through online support systems or over the phone.


In addition, in some instances, our guidelines apply to conduct outside of the Lalamove Platform that we become aware and have knowledge of, including, but not limited to, information received from other platforms, especially when such conduct may threaten the safety of the Lalamove Platform.


We warmly invite you to join us to support and provide a welcoming environment for everyone on the Lalamove Platform.


Our guidelines below will explain some of the positive community engagement on the Lalamove Platform, as well as the behaviors or circumstances that may cause your experience on the Lalamove Platform being affected. Lalamove reserves full right to change or modify or in any way update our guidelines (including our policies which are incorporated into our guidelines) at any time. You are strongly recommended to read our guidelines regularly. The following guidelines which we will update regularly provide the basis for behavior we expect from all those in the Lalamove community. Our guidelines are periodically reviewed and updated.


Understanding our guidelines are important. Not following any of our standards may be considered a material violation of the Terms and Conditions, and may result in your experience on the Lalamove Platform being affected, including a loss of access to the Lalamove Platform and/ or other consequences where applicable.


Guidelines for all of us

Everyone who uses the Lalamove Platform shall adhere to Lalamove’s Community Guidelines.

1.  Respect

Fostering positive communication and service during every experience is our main objective in our guidelines and policies.

2.  Safety

Our team is committed to working constantly to make your experience when using the Lalamove Platform to be safer. Safety of our users, drivers and walkers are of utmost importance to us.

3.  Follow the law 

We expect everyone who uses the Lalamove Platform to do their part to strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations where applicable.

4.  Feedback

We value your feedback, thoughts, and concerns and welcome your comments, provided they are expressed in a way that is respectful to us and our community. Our team is continually improving our guidelines and policies, and your feedback is important to help us to take appropriate action to keep our guidelines relevant to your experience on the Lalamove Platform.


Everyone in the Lalamove community shall behave like one would want to be treated—with respect, courtesy, and compassion. The approach you take while using the Lalamove Platform can leave an impact. That is why courtesy matters and why you are expected to exercise good judgement and behave decently toward other people when using the Lalamove Platform and interacting with others in the Lalamove community—just as you would in any public place.

Late deliveries are a problem for both the recipient and the sender, therefore always try to be on time to pick up or drop off your delivery. As safety is our top priority, you should always drive carefully within the speed limit and adhere to local traffic rules.  You are strictly prohibited from contacting recipient or sender after the trip for any personal reasons. Even in a dispute, do not take matters into your own hands by yelling, using abusive language or slamming doors.

1.1 Physical Force or Injury, Coercion, Threats and Misconduct

You are strictly forbidden from committing any form of sexual offence. You should never involve in any sexual assault and misconduct related to sexual conduct or behavior at all times.

Do not touch anyone you just met while using the Lalamove Platform unnecessarily. However, there are exceptions that are permitted for people needing or requesting physical assistance for the parcel to be delivered. Any kind of physical force is strictly prohibited.

Respecting personal space and privacy is something we all cherish. Having a casual talk would be fine as long the other party is comfortable chatting with you. Do not inquire about other people's personal lives or pass judgement on their appearance.

The following list provides examples of inappropriate conduct; however it is important to note that they are not exhaustive, sexual assault and misconduct can include any conduct. These may seem stricter than other platforms but that is because we want to keep you as safe as possible when you use the Lalamove Platform.

  • Do not ask personal questions as personal questions and infringing into personal space are generally deemed inappropriate (for example, about relationship status, monetary or sexual orientation)

  • Bear in mind that harassment differs according to societal and personal norms — for example commenting on appearance may be offensive to others. This includes both derogatory or “complimentary” comment

  • Do not make explicit comments or gestures as non-verbal gestures may constitute sexual harassment if the behavior is sexual in nature and make others uncomfortable (for example, slurs, or graphic or suggestive messages)

  • Do not flirt with anyone (for instance, non-verbal, being frisky, or being in too close proximity)

  • Displaying indecent material is not permitted (for example, sexually suggestive objects or pictures)

  • We strongly advise you to respect the privacy and personal space of other users. Texting or calling recipient or sender outside of professional grounds is both a form of harassment and a breach to his or her entitlement to personal security and data protection

  • Content that is pornographic, sexually explicit, or involves sexual violence or assault should not be shown

  • Avoid violent and aggressive behaviour at all times as Lalamove does not condone any form of violence or aggression. Everyone must not engage in aggressive behaviour, such as arguing verbally, using obscenity or innuendo, or making threats or physical violence

1.2 Threatening and rude behavior

Angry or rude outbursts, aggressive or harassing behaviour are strictly prohibited. Avoid using abusive language or making gestures which condones any form of violence, aggression, disrespectful and inappropriate. Do not share graphic images (sexually explicit or depict physical violence) with others in the Lalamove community; this includes sharing or distributing such images through Lalamove’s online support systems or in connection with a Lalamove Platform experience. While you might have different ideas or perceptions on topics such as religious belief and political choice, it may be a good idea to stay away from getting involved in such topics which can potentially be divisive. Everyone must not show any aggressive or rude behaviour, including getting into verbal disputes or vulgarity or making threats or physical assault. In the event of the situation getting out of hand, never take matters into your own hands or escalate the tensions (i.e. harasses or make threats whether the ride is ongoing or has ended). Always opt to notify the Lalamove Platform as soon as feasible if a problem arises. We intend to serve all parties fairly and will take appropriate measures.

1.3 Post-trip contact

Users, drivers and walkers should maintain valid and effective communication methods to facilitate smooth delivery. Any contact and communication should end once the trip or delivery is completed. Contacting or stalking users after delivery is completed for any reasons online or offline is a form of infringement of personal space and privacy, and you could be subject to legal consequences including but not limited to criminal liability. Lalamove will not be responsible or share any responsibility for your action., For any return or lost item, the user can contact Lalamove via apps. Unwanted contact, such as texting, calling, social media communication, visiting, or attempting to visit someone in person after a trip or delivery has been completed, can be considered harassment. The safety and security of everyone matter to us, hence do not share any unnecessary contact information. Unauthorised disclosure of personal contacts or information or delivery details is strictly forbidden.

1.4 Discrimination

We work to make sure you always feel safe and welcome. We will not tolerate unlawful discrimination conduct or harassment of any kind, including toward the Lalamove Customer Service team and Driver Operations team. In some jurisdictions, it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of:

  • age

  • color

  • disability

  • gender

  • marital status

  • national origin

  • pregnancy and maternity

  • race

  • religion or belief

  • sexual orientation

Discrimination can be seen in the following ways:

  • You shall not refuse to provide services based on a person’s race, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other characteristic protected under law. This type of action can lead to a loss of access to the Lalamove Platform. It is disrespectful to make derogatory or discriminatory remarks about a person or group whether or not the other party belongs to the group. Certain jurisdictions' laws may demand and/or permit the providing of services to and for the benefit of a specified group of people. Services that are needed or allowed by these laws and the relevant applicable terms are permissible under our guidelines in such jurisdictions.

  • Discriminate on the basis of these traits or on the basis of a pick-up or delivery location are not tolerable. If you intentionally reject or cancel requests, or use features on the Lalamove Platform to cancel trips or delivery requests, solely for the purpose of avoiding a particular neighbourhood or the people or businesses in the neighbourhood, it can lead to a loss of access to the Lalamove Platform.

1.5 Safe delivery

The user must take extra care to ensure there is packing and protection of the document/parcel before handling it to the driver or walker for the delivery service. This may include protecting your package from impact damage during delivery with bubble wrap or non-movable foam padding.

Users should avoid requesting delivery using a service type that does not fit the item volume or capacity limit. Drivers and walkers have the responsibility to ensure the fulfillment of the order would not exceed the vehicle weight or volume capacity and/or pose a safety risk.

During the delivery process, the driver or walker is not permitted to damage, open, or unwrap any parcels or documents. Any loss or damage of products (parcel/document) during delivery is the responsibility of the driver or the walker. Drivers and walkers should offer photographic confirmation of delivery whenever required, so that others on the Lalamove Platform can see it.

1.6 Creating a positive experience

When a user does not receive items or receives wrong items, it can lead to a bad and poor experience. Businesses should be careful to include the correct items in a Lalamove order.

High cancellation rates leave a negative experience for Lalamove Platform users.

Follow the requests of the order communicated through the Lalamove Platform wherever possible. If any deviation is necessary, please ensure communication is made to the user.


We believe that everyone has a role to play in helping to achieve and promote a safer and friendlier experience. Thus we have standard requirements on account sharing, account holder age, and more.

2.1 Account sharing

Only you are permitted to access an account registered in your name. Account sharing is not allowed. To use the Lalamove Platform, you must register and maintain an active account. Activities performed on your account are your liability. Do not let another person use your account, and you may not share your account, password or photo of yourself with anyone. Never share your personal information used in connection with your account to access the Lalamove Platform. You are responsible for maintaining your own confidentiality and you are responsible for all uses of your information, even if you do not authorize them. Security of your account is your responsibility.

Driver or walker must complete all parts of the delivery themselves—including any handling after the order is picked up from the user up until final delivery to the recipient—with no exception.

2.2 People under legal age

If you are an individual, you must be at legal age or older to have an Lalamove account. Account holders are not permitted to request service for anyone under the legal age who will not be accompanied by the account holder or another adult during the ride or when submitting or collecting the delivery. These age restrictions apply unless our local guidelines, terms, or other policies change.

2.3 Vehicle information

Maintain the condition of your vehicle (including but not limited to any bikes, motorcycles, and scooters) in compliance with industry safety standards and local regulatory regulations. Except for walkers, make sure you only use the vehicle that is registered with Lalamove. To have a smooth and easy delivery, the Lalamove Platform gives users identifying information about drivers and walkers and their vehicles, which may include vehicle plate number, model, profile picture and name of the rider. It is your responsibility to update and resubmit your documents when they expire.

Only permitted vehicles must be used to accomplish trips and deliveries by drivers and walkers. At all times, you must have a valid national driver’s license and any other permits or license that the relevant authorities may require. You and your vehicle must also be covered with valid insurance as stipulated by local regulations and authority.

2.4 Proper maintenance and upkeep

Drivers and walkers are expected to keep their vehicles in good and safe working condition to use the Lalamove Platform. You cannot be safe no matter how well you drive unless your vehicle is in good working order. You should preserve the condition of your vehicle by having it properly serviced. If it is not, your vehicle may fail you at a crucial time.

Read your vehicle's owner's manual thoroughly to learn about the maintenance plan and requirements for your vehicle. Maintenance schedules differ greatly from one vehicle to the next.

Conduct a 360-Degree Vehicle Inspection regularly, including to check for correct tyre inflation, clean windows, headlights, and mirrors, fluid leaks, and windshield wiper blade wear as you go around the car. This simple practise will ensure a safe drive and will just take a few minutes of your time.

2.5 Seat belts

When seat belts are provided, we recommend that you always wear them, whether you are in the front or back seats, as it can be the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries during a crash.

2.6 Helmets for bikes, motorcycles, and scooters

Find a helmet that fits well whether riding a bike, motorcycle, or scooter for your safety. These helmets will keep you safe and protected while riding if you follow the manufacturer's directions, which include fitting snugly under your chin and sitting low on your forehead. In addition, a helmet protects you from the environment you are riding in to protect your skull or head.

2.7 Use of dashcams that record video and/or audio

Installing and using a dashcam are recommended, which can be used to record rides and provide evidence to Lalamove, law enforcement, or insurance companies in the event that something goes wrong on a ride to help determine cause or fault. Please be aware of the following:

  • In certain circumstances and in some locations, local laws and regulations require a rider to provide consent for being recorded. Please review and check your local laws to understand your responsibilities and legal rights.

  • Drivers may submit recordings to Lalamove at their own discretion. Lalamove will review submitted footage and take all necessary and appropriate action consistent with our guidelines and platform terms of use.

  • Sharing or streaming personal data captured through your interaction with us, our user, our rider, in-vehicle audio and/or video recording during a ride (such as your image or voice or both, and its related metadata) on social media or in other digital or physical public locations is a violation of our guidelines and may prompt further investigation by our safety team.

2.8 Stay alert, aware and awake while driving

Operating a motor vehicle while drowsy puts you and other drivers on the road in danger. You must do your share to keep yourself and others safe, which includes keeping your eyes on the road, staying well rested, avoiding operating for long hours, avoiding sleep-inducing medications or consuming alcoholic beverages, so you can react swiftly to any scenario.

2.9 Share the road

You must be aware of the importance of safety as a safe driver. Accidents can be significantly decreased or even avoided if you have a good understanding of defensive driving. Defensive driving is a type of driving that employs a variety of approaches and tactics in order to keep you safe and avoid difficulties caused by other road users.

Defensive driving entails:

  • Keeping your pace under control

  • Keeping an eye on the front and preparing for the unexpected

  • Being alert and unaffected by distractions

  • Being ready for a variety of other drivers' and pedestrians' actions and reactions

  • Expect the other drivers to behave differently than you would normally

  • Observing and respecting other motorists

  • Keeping a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you

  • Driving safely while taking into consideration (and/or adjusting for) weather and/or road conditions

  • To prevent hitting the brakes in the middle of a bend, adjust your speed before approaching the bend

2.10 Public emergencies

Community emergency preparedness relies heavily on planning. Lalamove may take additional measures to try to alleviate and preserve the safety of our platform during public emergencies, including but not limited to natural disasters, public health emergencies, strike and public crisis situations.

For instance, if Lalamove receives notice from a government authority that anyone at all using the Lalamove Platform may present a potential harm to the public at large, we may temporarily suspend the individual’s access until and unless it is reasonably safe to allow the individual to resume using the Lalamove Platform. Similarly, we may prevent individuals in an entire city or region from using part or all of the Lalamove Platform or impose other requirements to comply with guidance from authorities during a time of public health emergency, natural disaster, strike or other public crisis situation, or when the continued availability of the The Lalamove Platform may pose a grave and dangerous threat to the community.

2.11 Provide a safe space for pickups

Lalamove users should exercise good judgment and behavior around drivers and walkers and make them feel welcome. They should also provide a secure location for order pickups; for example, to avoid violent occurrences on the premises that jeopardise the safety of riders.

2.12 Alcohol, drugs, weapons and all illegal items are not tolerated

Alcohol deliveries can only be ordered and received by Lalamove users who are of legal drinking age or older and are not inebriated. Illegal narcotics, open alcohol containers, and weapons are prohibited. Please alert Lalamove and the authorities if you have reason to suspect the nature of the contents of your parcel to be goods and/or services that are not part of Lalamove's offerings, or are suspected to be unlawful and/or dangerous goods.

Follow the law

Everyone must comply with applicable laws and regulations and also with Lalamove terms and conditions, and policies. It is specifically forbidden to use the Lalamove Platform to perpetrate any crime, including drug trafficking, money laundering, sexual harassment, or to break any other legislation.

Avoid committing traffic violations or driving recklessly that may endanger the lives of yourself and other road users and pedestrians. This includes complying with regulatory or traffic laws, speed limits, obeying road signals and traffic lights. You should always wear a seatbelt or a helmet whenever required by the laws.

Follow the law
3.1 Drugs and alcohol

If you are a driver or a walker, do not drink or use drugs while on the job; you can not drive or ride a bike while inebriated. Driving or biking while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance that affects your ability to operate a vehicle safely may be against the law. Illegal substances, open containers of alcohol and weapons are not permitted in your vehicle. If a user or member of the public believes you may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they have the right to end the booking immediately and alert Lalamove or the authorities. Drug use and open containers of alcohol are never allowed while using the Lalamove Platform.

Follow the law
3.2 Firearms, knives and weapons ban

Users and their recipients, as well as drivers and walkers, are strictly prohibited from carrying firearms while using the Lalamove Platform, to the extent permitted by applicable law and regulation.

Follow the law
3.3 Fraud

Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying information or assuming someone else’s identity, for example when signing in or undergoing a security check, is not allowed. It is important to provide accurate information when you report incidents, create and access your Lalamove accounts, dispute charges or fees, and claim for credits. Claim only the fees or refunds to which you are entitled and use the offers and promotions only as scheduled. Do not intentionally carry out invalid transactions.

Fraudulent activities may also include, but are not limited to:

  • an intentional increase in the time or distance of a trip or delivery for fraudulent or other purposes

  • accept order or delivery requests without intending to complete them, including encouraging users to cancel for fraudulent purposes

  • create fictitious accounts or orders for fraudulent purposes

  • claim fraudulent expenses, such as waiting fee or incidental clean-ups

  • claiming to complete a delivery without ever picking up the delivery item

  • picking up a delivery item and keeping all or part of it rather than delivering the complete order

  • actions to interfere with or manipulate the normal operation of the platform and the GPS system

  • abuse offers or promotions and/or fail to use them for their intended purposes

  • contest fees for fraudulent or illegitimate reasons

  • create incorrect duplicate accounts

  • use of unauthorized applications or means to obtain access or benefit to the platform

  • falsification of documents, files or other data for fraudulent purposes

Follow the law
3.4 Off-platform orders

To ensure that each experience is as safe as possible while remaining compliant with local laws (if any), all trips on the Lalamove platform must be organized via the Lalamove application.

Drivers and walkers are forbidden to accept a payment outside the platform that is not authorized for delivery on the Lalamove platform.

For cash orders, users must remember to bring the exact amount to cover the cost of delivery.

Drivers and walkers must always pay Lalamove's service charges on cash orders in a timely manner.

Follow the law
3.5 Other unacceptable activities

Act of stealing is not only not tolerated when using the Lalamove Platform; it is also a criminal offence. This includes, without limitation, deliberately depriving or misleading other parties on the platform for material or financial purposes.

Do not use Lalamove's trademark or intellectual property without authorization. Where local regulations require the display of Lalamove-branded items, drivers and walkers shall use only Lalamove-branded items obtained from Lalamove. Drivers and walkers should not present themselves as driving or delivering with Lalamove if they do not have access to the Lalamove Platform. Drivers and walkers should return items bearing the Lalamove mark (if applicable) to Lalamove if they lose access to the Lalamove Platform. The use of unauthorized or third-party items, such as lights, plaques, signs or similar items bearing the name or trademark of Lalamove, may create confusion among users.


Our team continually refines our guidelines, and your feedback is important to ensure our guidelines remain relevant as our technology evolves. Please assess your experience upon completion of each trip or delivery. Honest feedback helps ensure that everyone is accountable for their behavior. This contributes to building a respectful and safe environment.

If something happens, such as a road collision, you may report it by tapping Help in the app so that our Customer Service team or Driver Operations team can investigate and offer timely support when necessary. Before contacting Lalamove in the event of an emergency or if you find yourself in immediate danger, contact your local authorities or emergency services.

4.1 Ratings

Users, merchants, drivers and walkers may all leave and receive ratings, as well as provide input on how the journey or delivery went. This feedback method increases accountability and contributes to the creation of a respectful, safe, and transparent environment for all. The app allows drivers and walkers to view their current rating. By opening the app and pressing the profile, riders can see their rating listed under their name.

Drivers, riders, walkers, and users who do not meet the city's minimum average rating may lose access to the Lalamove Platform.It is beneficial to be courteous and respectful to all individuals while using the Lalamove Platform and interacting with others in the Lalamove Community if you want to keep your average rating high. Most drivers and walkers provide outstanding service, and most drivers, walkers, and users are kind and considerate, therefore most deliveries go successfully. Individual ratings will not be removed if you contact the Lalamove Customer Service team or the Driver Operations team. We understand that sometimes a trip or delivery does not go as planned, which may cause a lower rating.

Provided you are a driver or a walker who has lost access to the Lalamove Platform due to poor ratings, you may be able to reclaim it if you meet the qualifying conditions and show proof that you have completed a quality improvement course.

4.2 Cancellation of the delivery

To ensure a seamless operation of our system for all drivers, walkers and users, you are strongly advised not to cancel orders unless absolutely necessary (eg. Car breakdown / accidents). If you are unable to pick up or deliver a parcel due to an emergency, please call the sender/recipient immediately before cancelling the booking. Honour a booking you have made / accepted. This is very important in building confidence and encouraging more users, drivers and walkers to use the Lalamove Platform. More users means more jobs for drivers and walkers; more drivers and walkers means faster matching time for users, as a whole. If you regularly cancel successive trips or orders as a walker, a driver or a user, your experience on the Lalamove Platform may be affected.

4.3 How Lalamove enforces our guidelines

Your experience on the platform may be affected if the above guidelines are not followed. You may lose access to the Lalamove Platform and/ or other consequences where applicable if you violate any of the Terms and Conditions of Lalamove, or any applicable terms, conditions, or policies, including any of our Guidelines or any additional policies and guidelines that Lalamove may communicate to you from time to time. If you have multiple Lalamove accounts, such as a user account and a driver account, breaking our guidelines may result in you losing access to all of them. In addition, if law enforcement is engaged, we will help with their investigation in accordance with local regulations. If you lost access to the Lalamove Platform due to an error, please contact the Lalamove Customer Service or the Driver Operations team.

Lalamove receives feedback through a variety of ways, examines reports made to our Customer Service team or our Driver Operations team that may violate our guidelines, and may conduct any necessary investigation. If we become aware of potentially harmful behaviour, we may contact you to investigate. We may put a hold on your account or make it inactive until our evaluation is completed, at our sole discretion.

Please offer photographic confirmation of delivery whenever required, so that others on the platform can see it. False or fictitious reporting is not permitted.

On the Lalamove Platform, different authorities and localities regulate the offering of specific services. We may be obliged to remove your access to the Lalamove Platform if we decide that your driver or walker account is not in line with applicable regulatory standards.

Finally, drivers and walkers interested in using the Lalamove Platform must go through a screening process specific to their locality, which may involve motor vehicle records and background checks if local legislation allows it. If one of these checks reveals a violation of our guidelines or other requirements imposed by local regulators, a driver or walker will lose access to the Lalamove Platform.

Note: Lalamove's drivers and walkers are not agents (either actual or ostensible) or employees. Drivers and walkers are not bound by any authority (actual, apparent, or otherwise). They are unaffiliated third-party service providers.

Our guidelines, terms, or other policies may change any of the policies described above at any time. Unless otherwise stated, the amended version will take effect at the time it is posted.

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the translations and/or languages of this community guidelines, the English version will prevail.