1. 請仔細閱讀本條款及細則,進入任何Lalamove平台、使用有關服務及/或LALARETHINK優惠碼,即表示用戶確認並已理解並同意Lalamove用戶條款及細則 (及 私隱條例(;
  2. 優惠推廣期由2024年8月23日00:00至2024年9月16日23:59截止,以香港時間為準;
  3. 優惠只適用於商業用戶于Lalamove手機應用程式或網頁版落單的即時派送訂單使用; 
  4. 用戶必須於落單前輸入優惠碼LALARETHINK方可獲得電子優惠券5張; 
  5. 每位用戶只可兌換LALARETHINK電子優惠券一次; 
  6. 用戶可享3張港幣$30元噸車及客貨車電子優惠券及享有2張港幣$15元速遞專員、電單車及步兵電子優惠券; 
  7. 優惠碼LALARETHINK之兌換有效期於2024年9月16日23:59截止,逾期作廢;
  8. 用戶落單時必須選用該張優惠券,訂單金額必須高於優惠券價值或與其相等,方可獲得對應的即時減免優惠;
  9. 優惠券適用於部分車型服務,包括步兵、電單車、速遞專員、客貨車、5.5噸及9噸車; 
  10. 用戶每次落單最多只可使用一張優惠券; 
  11. 優惠券不可兌換現金、不接受退款亦不可轉讓; 
  12. Lalamove保留隨時修改及终止上述優惠、修改用戶使用條款及守則及此條款及細則的權利而無須另行通知;
  13. 任何詐騙和濫用行為將會導致用户參與推廣的資格被剝奪。Lalamove將保留取消用户帳號中的優惠券而無須另行通知之權利;
  14. 若條款及細則之英文版與中文版存有任何歧異,一概以英文版條款及細則為準;
  15. 如有任何爭議,Lalamove保留一切最終決定權;
  16. 此條款及細則受制於現行有關法規的相關要求;
  17. 此條款及細則受到香港特別行政區法律的管轄和詮釋。

LALARETHINK Terms & Conditions

  1. Please read the terms and conditions carefully, by accessing the Lalamove platform, using any of the services provided by Lalamove and/or redeeming the LALARETHINK coupon code, users confirm and agree to the Terms and Conditions ( and Privacy Policy of Lalamove ( and the LALARETHINK Coupon Code Terms and Conditions; 
  2. The promotion period is valid from 00:00 of 23 Aug, 2024 until 23:59 of 16 Sep, 2024 (Hong Kong time); 
  3. Offers are only applicable for corporate users using instant delivery orders placed through the Lalamove mobile application or web version; 
  4. Users can redeem the offer by entering coupon code  LALARETHINK in the in-app Wallet or before placing order; 
  5. Each user can redeem the  LALARETHINK coupon once; 
  6. All users are entitled to 3 truck and van coupon(s) valued at HK$30; and entitled to 2 courier, motorcycle and walkers coupons valued at HK$15; 
  7. The redemption period of coupon code LALARETHINK ends at 23:59 on 16 Sep, 2024, any redemption after the expiry date will be invalid; 
  8. Users must choose one coupon when placing the order, to enjoy the instant discount; order price must be higher or equivalent to the coupon value to enjoy the instant discount;
  9. The coupon is applicable to some vehicle types and courier services including walker, motorcycle, van, 5.5 ton and 9 ton trucks; 
  10. Users can only use one coupon per order; 
  11. Coupons are non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable; 
  12. Lalamove reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate the above offers at any time and amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice;
  13. Fraud and abuse will result in forfeiture of the user's eligibility to participate in the promotion . Lalamove further reserves the right to cancel the coupons awarded under this promotion from the user’s wallet without prior notice;
  14. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail;
  15. In case of any disputes, Lalamove reserves the right for the final decision;
  16. These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements;
  17. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.