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Why deliver with Lalamove?

The freedom to work and earn in your own time

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Earn extra income

Earn more with every delivery you make.

Be your own boss

Take as many orders as you choose by working around your own schedule.

Total flexibility

Choose which days you want to work and select the orders that you want to deliver. Work as much or as little as you choose.

Things you’ll need to deliver with Lalamove

Drive a Vehicle-2
Drive a Vehicle
Own or rent a vehicle - vans, trucks, motorbikes are all welcome
Personal Identification

A HKID Card to show that you are a Hong Kong citizen or permanent resident; Proof of address (walker only)

Driver's License

Hold a valid driver's license allowing you to drive in Hong Kong

Age Limit
Above 18 years old

(iOS 11 and above, Android 6.0 and above)

Exclusive benefits


Take more orders and boost your earnings with a Lalabag!

24/7 Insurance

Stay protected with our special insurance plans.

Mission bonus-2
Mission bonus

Enjoy bonus earnings for completing orders and being a highly rated driver.

Fuel Discounts

Enjoy exclusive savings at fuel stations around Hong Kong.

Vehicle Sticker-2
Vehicle Sticker

Boost your earnings when you stick with Lalamove!

Servicing and Maintenance Discounts

Enjoy exclusive maintenance discounts.

Our Driver App - How does it work?

View all available orders
Select your order you wish to pick up and deliver
Check your earnings at anytime
View all available orders
Select your order you wish to pick up and deliver
Check your earnings at anytime
Sign up now

Frequently asked questions

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How does Lalamove work? Do I have to work full-time?

Lalamove is an on-demand delivery app that matches drivers to customers. Drivers are able to take as many or as few orders as they choose at any time of the day!

How many days would it take for me to start earning?

Your account will be verified within one working day after the training is completed and the deposit has been received.

I own multiple vehicles. Can I attach them all to my driver profile?

You are allowed to open one more account in Lalamove with different vehicles. If you have multiple vehicles, you would need one account per vehicle. 

Can I deliver with Lalamove without owning a vehicle?
If you don't currently own a vehicle but would like to deliver with Lalamove, you can check out our partnerships with vehicle rental companies. These companies offer vehicle rental at competitive rates.

You may also consider registering with us as a walker.

Join us as a Delivery Partner

Download our driver app to earn extra income.