Moving Services
in Yogyakarta
Moving home or boarding in Yogyakarta is hassle-free, fast, and can be scheduled with Lalamove's delivery service.
Intracity and Intercity Moving Solutions in Yogyakarta
Want to rent a pick-up, van, or large-capacity truck in Jogja to move house or boarding house? Lalamove is the solution! There's no need to bother looking for transportation services for moving house, rent, boarding house, or office. There is Lalamove that can be ordered online only through the application.
Lalamove is available in Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul Regency as an instant or scheduled delivery service. Our fleet is very diverse for moving. On a small scale, we have blind van (Grand Max), Suzuki Carry Pick Up body, and Pick Up Box. If you want to rent a moving truck in Yogyakarta, we have pickup trucks, pickup boxes, CDD pickup trucks, CDD boxes, and Fuso trucks.
Customize it with the fleet you need. The cost of Yogyakarta house moving services is adjusted according to the distance, fleet choice, and Lalamove's additional services. Lalamove has additional services such as Door to Door to pick up goods in front of the house, Extra Helper with additional transportation services, Scheduled Orders for less hassle, and Live Tracking to monitor your moving goods.
Lalamove's moving services in Yogyakarta also include:
In Yogyakarta, Lalamove is available in Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul Regency. As a moving platform, Lalamove helps individuals and businesses move houses, boarding houses, offices, and shophouses. Lalamove is also present in industrial areas in Yogyakarta. Moving with Lalamove is also easier because driver partners are spread across the following industrial business areas.
Business & Industry |
District |
Jogja Bakery & Cake |
Wirobrajan |
Bloomery Pastisserie Yogyakarta |
Pakualam |
Cheesecake Expert |
Depok |
Cocky Sugar Cheesecake & Patisserie |
Mlati |
PT.Agrinesia Raya Bakpia kukus Tugu Jogja |
Depok |
Kuriimiicake |
Kalasan |
Pawon Tempuran by Toto Dahar (Tempuran Space) |
Kasihan |
Articles about moving with Lalamove
Articles about moving with Lalamove

8 Tips dan Trik Pindahan Rumah Anti-Stres
8 Tips dan Trik Pindahan Rumah Anti-Stres

Tips Packing Pindahan Rumah: Mengemas Barang-barang Agar Tetap Aman
Tips Packing Pindahan Rumah: Mengemas Barang-barang Agar Tetap Aman

Jasa Angkutan Jogja Terbaik dan Murah untuk Pindahan Rumah
Jasa Angkutan Jogja Terbaik dan Murah untuk Pindahan Rumah

Rasakan Kemudahan Jasa Pindahan Kos dengan Sekali Klik
Rasakan Kemudahan Jasa Pindahan Kos dengan Sekali Klik

Lalamove's House Moving Service Also Available in:
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Lalamove's booking areas for moving are available in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Semarang.
Moving rates are based on several factors, such as the type of fleet, distance or delivery location, additional services used, booking volume, availability of delivery partners, traffic situation, and more.
Check the rates for moving your office, house, boarding house, or apartment with Lalamove in more detail here.
Lalamove operates 24/7 so you can make deliveries whenever you need to. Lalamove specializes in on-demand delivery, matching users with the nearest driver in just seconds. Use our delivery app to handle all express and urgent deliveries, any time of the day with a diverse fleet.
Lalamove allows you to track every order placed. Check the location of your drivers in real time and get notified instantly when the delivery has been completed.
If you need to send an item to someone else, you can send tracking information to the recipient so they know when to expect the item to arrive.