Moving Services
in Bandung
Enjoy easy and safe moving in Bandung at affordable rates with Lalamove's Bandung moving services!
Fast & Efficient One-Way Moving Services
Bandung is one of the cities in West Java that has become a business center and a desirable place to live for many families. From the home industry sector to the large scale, Bandung is a location that is visited by many industry players, ranging from fashion, culinary, and even tourism.
Looking for moving services in Bandung? Lalamove helps you move your house, office, apartment, shophouse, boarding house, or anything else faster and more efficiently. We provide solutions to make it easier for customers to overcome moving challenges that are sometimes quite troublesome.
Lalamove is present in Bandung and its surrounding areas, such as in Karawang Regency, Bandung City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Cianjur, Purwakarta, Ciwidey, and Cimahi City. All Lalamove driver partners have been trained so that they are ready to carry your goods safely to their destination.
For those of you who are looking for transportation services in Bandung, download the Lalamove application now. Lalamove provides a fleet of vans, pick up tubs, pick up boxes, crank tubs, crank boxes, CDD tubs, CDD boxes, Fuso tubs, and Fuso boxes.
Choose the fleet according to the weight and dimensions of the office moving goods. Not only for moving within Bandung, Lalamove can also be relied upon for moving out of town as long as it is within the Lalamove delivery area.
The rates for Bandung moving services with Lalamove are very transparent, which you can see in the application. Let's enjoy the ease of moving with Lalamove!

Moving with Lalamove in Bandung
Lalamove's fleet of moving services has spread to all areas in Bandung. Not only that, moving with Lalamove has spread in several business and industrial areas below. Not only that, these areas have become the most crowded areas using Lalamove's fleet for moving both home moving and office moving.
Business & Industry |
District |
Pusat Sepatu Cibaduyut |
Bojongloa Kidul |
Pasar Baru Trade Center |
Bandung |
Aneka Oleh-oleh dan Factory Outlet |
Kota Bandung |
Aneka distro atau factory outlet |
Bandung Wetan |
Pergudangan Ganiarta |
Ujung Berung |
Kompleks Pergudangan BULOG Cisaranten Bandung |
Cinambo |
BizPark Commercial Estate Bandung |
Babakan Ciparay |
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Articles About Moving with Lalamove
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Lalamove's House Moving Service Also Available in:
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, Lalamove moving service are available in the city:
Lalamove's booking areas for moving are available in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Semarang.
Moving rates are based on several factors, such as the type of fleet, distance or delivery location, additional services used, booking volume, availability of delivery partners, traffic situation, and more.
Check the rates for moving your office, house, boarding house, or apartment with Lalamove in more detail here.
Lalamove operates 24/7 so you can make deliveries whenever you need to. Lalamove specializes in on-demand delivery, matching users with the nearest driver in just seconds. Use our delivery app to handle all express and urgent deliveries, any time of the day with a diverse fleet.
Lalamove allows you to track every order placed. Check the location of your drivers in real time and get notified instantly when the delivery has been completed.
If you need to send an item to someone else, you can send tracking information to the recipient so they know when to expect the item to arrive.