- 請仔細閱讀本條款及細則,進入任何Lalamove平台、使用有關服務及/或LALAHELLO優惠碼,即表示用戶確認並已理解並同意受本條款、及私隱條例
- 優惠推廣期由即日至 2022年9月30日23: 59
- 優惠只適用Lalamove個人帳號(非商戶帳號)於Lalamove手機應用程式或網頁版落單使用,不適用於Lalamove電子錢包增值
- 用戶必須於落單前輸入優惠碼並選擇優惠劵, 訂單方可獲得金額即時減免相應金額之優惠。例子:如用戶車費總計為HK$60,客戶可以選擇使用HK$30優惠券,並獲得HK$30金額即時減免
- 每位用戶只可兌換電子優惠券一次
- 新用戶可獲得$30優惠券, 現有用戶可獲得$20優惠券;使用Van仔服務三次後可獲得$20優惠券;額外使用Van仔服務五次後可獲得$10優惠券
- 輸入優惠碼並成功登記成為Lalamove獎賞計劃會員可享2,000 Lala積分,積分將於將於活動期後7-14個工作天內自動新增到合資格Lalamove獎賞計劃會員的帳號內
- 用戶須於活動期內使用Lalamove網頁版或流動應用程式登記成為Lalamove獎賞計劃會員,未能於活動期內登記的Lalamove用戶將不會於獲取任何是次活動之優惠Lala積分
- 積分計算以Lalamove獎賞計劃系統紀錄為準。本活動如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於Lalamove獎賞計劃之事由,而使參加者所登錄之資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,Lalamove獎賞計劃不負任何法律責任,參加者均不得異議
- 優惠碼之兌換有效期由即日至2022年9月30日23:59截止,逾期作廢
- 優惠券於發券當日起計14日內有效,有效期於兌換優惠券後第14日23:59截止。逾期作廢,並將不獲補發或延長有效期
- 優惠券只適用於Van仔、5.5噸及9噸車
- 優惠券不可兌換現金、不接受退款亦不可轉讓
- Lalamove 保留隨時修改及终止上述優惠、修改用戶條款及守則及此條款及細則的權利而無須另行通知
- 任何詐騙和濫用行為將會導致用户參與推廣的資格被剝奪。Lalamove將保留取消用户帳號中的優惠券而無須另行通知之權利
- 若條款及細則之英文版與中文版存有任何歧異,一概以英文版條款及細則為準
- 如有任何爭議,Lalamove保留一切最終決定權
- 此條款及細則受制於現行有關法規的相關要求
- 此條款及細則受到香港特別行政區法律的制裁和詮釋
- Please read the terms and conditions carefully, by accessing the Lalamove platform, using any of the services provided by Lalamove and/or redeeming the LALAHELLO coupon code, customers confirm and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Lalamove and this Terms and Conditions
- The promotion period is valid from now until 23:59 of 30 September 2022
- Offers are only applicable for individual Lalamove users (non-business account) and orders placed through the Lalamove mobile application and web version, not applicable to Lalamove Wallet Top-up
- Customers can redeem the offer by entering a coupon code in the in-app Wallet before placing order and must select the relevant coupons when placing the order, to enjoy the instant discount. For example, if the total fare is HK$60, customers can select a HK$30 coupon and enjoy a HK$30 instant discount
- Each customer can redeem the coupon once
- New users can get a $30 discount after app registration and entering the code. Existing users can get a $20 discount after entering the code ; get a $20 discount after using van service three times; get a $10 discount after using van service for additional five times
- Enter coupon code and sign up as Lalamove Rewards member are entitled to 2,000 LalaPoints, LalaPoints will be credited to eligible member account automatically within 7-14 working days after Promotion;
- Users must sign up for Lalamove Rewards by App or Web within the Promotion period, any sign up after the Promotion period will not be eligible to receive LalaPoints
- Lalamove Rewards reserves the right for the final calculation of LalaPoints. Lalamove Rewards shall not be responsible for any matters arising from or in connection with the submission, delay, loss, transmission error of any information of the participant due to technical problems, including but not limited to any computer or internet network problems. Lalamove Rewards reserves the sole and absolute right to make final and conclusive decision
- The redemption period of coupon code is until 23:59 of 30 September 2022, any redemption after the expiry date will be invalid
- The coupon is valid for 14 days from the day of coupon issuance, and ends at 23:59 on the 14th day upon receiving the coupon. The coupon will become invalid after the expiry date and will not be reissued or extended
- The coupon is only applicable to van, 5.5 ton and 9 ton trucks
- Coupons are non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable
- Lalamove reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate the above offers at any time and amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice
- Fraud and abuse will result in forfeiture of Customer’s eligibility to participate in the promotion . Lalamove further reserves the right to cancel the coupons awarded under this promotion from the user’s wallet without prior notice
- In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail
- In case of any disputes, Lalamove reserves the right for the final decision
- These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements
- These Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region