Join as a Lalamove Driver Partner
Earn extra income by working around your own schedule.
The freedom to work and earn in your own time
Earn more with every delivery you make.
Take as many orders as you choose by working around your own schedule.
Choose which days you want to work and select the orders that you want to deliver. Work as much or as little as you choose.
Driver Requirements
Motorcycles, Hatchbacks and Trucks are all ok to drive with Lalamove
You must be a citizen of Thailand and be at least 18 years old.
Exclusive benefits
Enjoy bonus earnings for completing orders.
Stay protected with our exclusive plans.
Make savings every time you fill up.
Our Driver App - How does it work?
Frequently asked questions
Lalamove is an on-demand delivery app that matches drivers to customers. Drivers are able to view and choose the orders that they wish to deliver. Drivers are able to take as many or as few orders as they choose at any time of the day, you choose when you work!
The amount drivers with Lalamove earn depends on how many orders they choose to take.
Your account will be verified within one working day after the training is completed and the deposit has been received.