Digitising Delivery for Small Businesses in Hong Kong

98% of business establishments in Hong Kong are SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises) and they represent the lifeblood of the economy. For those businesses that rely on making timely deliveries, finding agile, efficient and scalable solutions is crucial to maintaining and building growth. By not embracing the trend of using digital solutions to help automate deliveries, these businesses risk falling behind more modern competitors.
And yet, many SMEs in Asia find themselves constrained. Though their sights are set on expansion, they are often held back by lack of access to capital financing, ongoing talent shortages, and issues surrounding the still-developing urban infrastructure in many parts of the region. A 2019 study of Hong Kong SMEs found that 31% of these businesses have insufficient staff or skills to expand their international footprint.
In this context, it is critical for small, medium and micro-sized businesses in Hong Kong and Asia to uncover every new opportunity for growth and efficiency – and digitising delivery is one of the most important.
For more on this topic, Blake Larson, Managing Director International at Lalamove, recently authored an article about how Asia's small businesses can adopt digitised delivery in order to accelerate digital transformation.
You can read the article in full on Hong Kong Business Review here.