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3 things Kim Chiu loves about the holidays and Lalamove

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'Tis the season to be merry! It's no secret that Filipinos have an inexplicable love for the holidays, and Kim Chiu is just like us who look forward to this season. In our interview, she revealed her favorite things about this time of year, and we're sure you will these three things relatable.


1. Holiday traditions

The moment we see twinkling parols (lanterns) hanging in homes and other establishments is that one defining indicator that Christmas is here. Kim shared that this is just one among the many Filipino Christmas traditions that get her excited.

"Setting up the Christmas tree is another favorite tradition of mine. There's a different kind of joy, like when you're finally getting into the holiday spirit, in planning what the Christmas tree will look like


If you're still on the hunt for parols, you can purchase from the world-class lantern-makers in Pampanga, dubbed as the country's Christmas capital, and have them via same-day truck delivery. 

2. Pinoy Christmas food & noche buena

Indulging in bibingka and puto bumbong is just one of the things that Kim absolutely adores about Christmas. Honestly, are you even Filipino if you've never had these Paskong kakanin which often pop out the minute the clock strikes midnight and welcomes September -- the start of the Pinoy Christmas season?

Bibingka_Puto_Bumbong_Makers_landscape_-_Francene_Panis(c) Francene Panis, The La Sallian

But apart from these delicacies, Kim admits, "It's the noche buena spread that's much-awaited for me. We really prepare for this and make sure Christmas Eve is a memorable time with our family while getting our tummies filled with yummy food. With the family gathered around the table, there's nothing better than food than the ones shared with loved ones."

Just like Kim, you can prepare for your noche buena spread amidst the Christmas rush. No matter how big or heavy your deliveries are, you can easily rely on Lalamove's truck delivery service and get your order on the same day! 

3. Giving gifts

Spreading joy and cheer is undeniably Kim's favorite thing about this holiday season, especially in the form of gifts.

"I turn into 'Santa Kimmy' during this time -- I can't help it! Shopping is fun, and giving away gifts is even more fun. After the many blessings I'm grateful for year-round, this is the perfect time to give some of that back and share it with the people closest to my heart," she remarked.

But even she admits that shopping for gifts can be stressful if you're unprepared or in case you forgot to buy something. In these cases, she is grateful for having Lalamove.

"It's really the multi-stop feature that's a life-saver, and because I have a lot of people to thank for scattered across the country, I'm so glad Lalamove can help me in bringing these gifts to them via same-day, and even long-distance, truck delivery. Definitely one less thing to worry about for me," Kim shared.

We know there are many things to love about this holiday season, so don't let the hustle-and-bustle stress you out. Lalamove is here to help you deal with the Christmas rush. While everyone's in a hurry, with just a few clicks on the Lalamove mobile app, our same-day truck delivery can make you worry-free.

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