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Entregando Cuidado na Covid-19: A Lalamove continua apoiando pessoas com necessidades de entrega neste período. No entanto, nós levamos a segurança dos motoristas parceiros e clientes a sério e tomamos medidas necessárias para termos entregas mais seguras.
Amidst the current situation in Cebu since the Super Typhoon Odette onslaught and to help and reach Cebuanos, Lalamove is launching two new temporary channels to match your orders with our Partner Drivers: Text or Viber to Lalamove.
Here's how to temporarily book a delivery in Cebu:
Reach out and Text or Viber Lalamove every day from 9AM to 6PM.
All transactions through these channels are on CASH basis only.
This service is available in the same Cebu areas available in the Lalamove app.
We are always providing new ways to help and reach our customers and our Partner Drivers, despite the challenges of the current times. It will take time, but kaya ni natu!
Bangon Ta Bai.
We move with you.